nevilles parents

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nevilles parents

Postby Salazar Slytherin » Monday 15 August 2005 10:34:42am

i wonder if nevilles parents will ever play a big role in the war against voldemort.
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Postby Person1 » Monday 15 August 2005 5:01:31pm

Doubt it, likely Neville will though, likely to beat the c*** outa Bellatrix
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 6:26:27pm

Neville's parents' situation always seems really sad to me. I wonder if the curse would be lifted if Bella was killed?
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Monday 15 August 2005 6:31:27pm

Yeah, Neville's situation upsets me more than Harry's by far.

I don't think that their condition was caused by a curse though. I think it was a mental breakdown from the overuse of the Cruciatus Curse. Seems like organic damage and not magic, so Bellatrix getting killed would only be immensely(sp?) satisfying to her killer, but not a real help in this case.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 7:20:20pm

Actually yeah - I remember reading that now. Just seems such a shame to have two aurors completely messed up.
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Tuesday 16 August 2005 1:32:57am

yea i feel bad for poor neville :cry:
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 16 August 2005 2:27:12am

The damage didn't need to be organic. Sometimes, the mind just can't handle pain for such a long period of time. I thin they just went beyond their limit and broke
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 16 August 2005 12:29:16pm

Yeah was reading on Lexicon last night that 4 death eaters used the cruciatus on them to find out where LV was after he was disembodied.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Tuesday 16 August 2005 12:45:47pm

the poor fellows...and what's even more sad is that this kind of situations happen in real life (i'm talking about kids with mental parents that don't recognise them). jkr said it was inspired from reality.
although i do hope neville is the one who punishes bellatrix. (i'm not thinking about killing her.because i'm against violence for violence thing. and i believe a life time in askaban is worse than death...but then again she might just be a masochist. and she might enjoy it. cause she always had this fixed ideea that suffering for her master is such a great deal...bah...what's the snape pointed out)
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 16 August 2005 1:55:43pm

I say an eye for an eye - she'll get what's coming to her.
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Tuesday 16 August 2005 3:21:05pm

I say kill her and make her suffer. She deserves it. Not only did she do those horrible things to Frank and Alice, but the %&$@! knocked Sirius into the veil. (I'm of the belief that one spell knocked him into it, instead of her using the killing curse, because the description fits better).

Remember, she escaped from Azkaban once already, I say don't give her the chance, however remote, to do it again.
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