Draco: devilish deamon or daring denouncer?

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Draco: devilish deamon or daring denouncer?

He is definitly going to denounce his Dark ways like his parents did last time LV was on the rise
He is going to flip a coin with his dad for the bottom bunk at Azkaban
He and Snape are going become allies for Harry and co.
No votes
He is going to die, and take a few DE's with him
Total votes : 11

Draco: devilish deamon or daring denouncer?

Postby Amythest » Thursday 11 August 2005 7:16:09am

Draco is presently in the care of Snape, whose loyalties are presently being questioned. The last acts the Draco does on his own, however, were that of a unnerved kid having to go through with some evil-kenevil act that he put claim on with out thinking it through, and was thinking about turning back (something I extremely doubt would have happened should dumbledore have left Harry unfrozen).
In previous books Draco has been soemone who has tried to get a tan using his father's shadow as sunblock. He goes by his surname Malfoy, and is quick to tell you the lineage that is behind that name. When first introduced, the comments coming out of Malfoys mouth could not have been anything but a reciting of what his parents have forced into his head his entire life. Indeed, it seems that with out the previous modeling of his mind, Malfoy would have even tried to befriend Harry simply because their coincidence of placement.
As tempers flare, Draco has to focus on living up to his utmost bully potential, something I'm sure made easier by his preconcieved prejudice about "mudbloods" being no good, and then Hermione annoying the entire class with her know-it-all attitude. Ron was a victum due to socio-economic status, but then again, how common is that...especially in such a tight knit community like the wizarding world, he must have over heard thousands of nasty things about the Weasleys....for further proof, many of his early insults he even references to other sources...my mother tells me; i heard my father say; i heard that...
And at some point we see Draco get in trouble with his parents, though i dont remember when, i definitly remember getting the feeling that he tried hard to please his father, but nothing was quite good enough. And no wonder, with Hermione getting everything perfect and Harry saving the world every few weeks. And by the way, Harry diddn't exactly try to keep the line of communication open.
As a final testiment to his circumstances, Harry supplies a notion that would fit Draco's troubled persona. WIth his father in Azkaban, Draco steps up to the plate to be a death eater, trying to win a place as an equal with his father to earn some respect, and meanwhile trying to keep up with Harry, who clearly is off with the other half of the school fighting for the phenox. He jions, huaghty with pride, but as the grave reality to what he has been hearing about behind close doors since he was a child, the one thing that he as been glorifying, dreaming about his entire existance at Hogwarts, most liekly his whole life, turns out to be the terrible truth that has been keeping Snape, DD and Peter awake at night since the rise od LV.
It wears him down. He is overwhelmed and confused, yet driven forward by the prize of his fathers pride through LV (for surely LV has always come before parenting) and the fear of failure that would result in the death of his mother, who, I do not care what anyone may think, is his mother and you do not go messin with moms.
Harry sees the grim toll this takes on Malfoy the whole year. What I love most though is his discovery of Draco seeking comfort in Moaning Myrtle. It shows just how little time and love he gets in his life, and how much he needed it. FACT: when you need moaning myrtle to cheer you up, you really must be despritely grabbing onto anything.
So now he has snape...though lord knows another lecture is in order. However, maybe its time a different mistreated boy got a mentor in this book. Even though his course of action will be choreographed by snape till well near the end of the book, I beleive Malfoy will get another chance to stop the attrosity that tore apart his family, or fulfill his parents ideal prophecy for their son, becoming a DE that could strike very near the heart of the DA.
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Postby Bextra » Saturday 13 August 2005 5:19:26am

i put the one about him dying and taking the des with him
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Postby the_sorcerer » Saturday 13 August 2005 12:57:50pm

i dunno it seems to me that JK likes big misses: draco was almost returned to the good side when he was about to lower his wand but then when the DEs came it was a miss that changed it all, for good (well actually bad) i think. i think that was a crutial moment and it will not change back - draco will stay a DE, he will have to be a bit more appriciated too by now, because although he ddint finish the task, he had a big part in the "success" of his mission. but still i think vold` will still be angry at his father and will send him (draco) to another very dangerous mission in which he'd probably be killed
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Sunday 14 August 2005 12:20:10am

i despise draco he is a discgrace to the pureblood race he should be murdered like the rest of the mudbloods.
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Postby Salazar Slytherin » Sunday 14 August 2005 3:48:12pm

hehe sorry for being all dark i just dislike draco :razz:
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Sunday 14 August 2005 5:56:09pm

okay what do you have against muggleborns... what about hermione??
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 14 August 2005 9:36:36pm

i actually voted for the "dies and bring down de with him". i found it herioc. and i also agree with Amythest. i was pulling a simillar story about snape being actually good and only the circumstances making him look bad and evil, in another post of mine. as i say said before (i do seem to be repeating myself a lot...how bad is that??) i like to believe the best in people.

and what is more there seems to be love in the malfoy family. narcissa seems to love her husband and her son even more. as well as draco loves too...all the things that he's trying to please his father and so on.why not if not love? it was just the circumstances that made him act evil. and he wouldn't have killed dd. and i think he's not ever going to be able to kill someone... i mean really hurting somebody innocent is more difficult than bullying people around (though it is not aproveble...but think, james bullied snape also...but most of the people seem to find that forgiveble...why just because his son is hp?)

but as for ever actually liking harry and co...i sincierly doubt that... he might turn good in the end (unless he picks up a sudden taste for killing :evil: -but still i think he has his own pride and serving LV should be a bit harsh for him) but never will he actually like harry or ron.
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