The One Ring A Horcrux?

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The One Ring A Horcrux?

Postby Shaark » Thursday 28 July 2005 3:49:38pm

Isn't the one ring sort of a horcrux?

("His power is bound to the ring and the ring survived")

Do you think JK could have stolen the idea somehow?

Because Sauron did "Die" almost exactly as Voldemort. he became sort of a spirit.

What do you think?

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Postby Tanuki » Thursday 28 July 2005 3:51:28pm

It shows. As for the one Ring... yeah, I guess it can count as a Horcrux
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Postby gadfly22 » Thursday 28 July 2005 4:18:06pm

Certainly, the One Ring may count as a kind of horcrux. But I don't think it's fair to say that JKR cribbed that idea from Tolkien.

For one thing, the motif of the hidden soul is well-known in folk and fairy tales. There are lots of examples of the Unkillable Bad Guy who's hidden his soul away (often in a concealed egg somewhere) and made himself invulnerable. At least until the Hero (or some helper) tricks the Bad Guy into revealing where his soul is hidden. So that idea has been out there for a long long time.

Second, it seems to me that there's some distinction to be made between stowing part of your soul away in an object (as Voldemort did) and investing your power in an object that can transfer that power to the finder. The essence of Sauron himself wasn't exactly in the Ring, though the Ring's power would invariably corrupt the user.

That said, there are certainly similarities between the notion of the horcrux and the idea of the One Ring.
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Postby Shaark » Thursday 28 July 2005 5:32:38pm

thank you for your answer it helped :)
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Postby The Mauled Avenger » Thursday 28 July 2005 7:03:35pm

but voldemort used the diary to corrupt ginny in a vaguely similar way
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Postby annachie » Friday 29 July 2005 2:33:24pm

Ultimately any modern epic fantasy (such as HP) goes back to Tolkien as he really defined the concept. Just as you can trace Tolkien back.

Although I wonder if LV would have read LotR?
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Postby gadfly22 » Friday 29 July 2005 2:48:14pm

Although I wonder if LV would have read LotR?

You kidding? I bet he has a whole collection of "Sauron Lives" T-shirts.
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 29 July 2005 3:20:28pm

Voldermort playing with his Sarumon fake staff

"Man I wish I could use something like this... wands jst aren't as neat."

"My lord, we are... what are you doing?"

"Nothing Wormtail, you saw nothing!"
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Postby Froggs » Friday 29 July 2005 6:58:29pm

<LV thinking> Man, if only I could have a giant eyeball of flame, that would really sort those blood traitors out! :devilish grin:
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Postby gadfly22 » Friday 29 July 2005 7:29:52pm

Lord Voldemort and the Palantir Quest: Chapter One

"Wormtongue! Come here! QUickly!"

Peter Pettigrew picked up the pace of his pained shuffle and entered Lord Voldemort's main chamber. He-who-must-not-be-named was sitting in a chintze-covered armchair that was itself perched precariously on four piles of books, one leg on each pile. A kitchen stepladder permitted Voldemort to ascend his throne with as much grace as the book piles -- one of which was clearly shorter than the others -- would permit.


"Wormtail, sir."

"Whatever. Wormtongue, I wish for you to go and fetch me a palantir."

Wormtail sighed.

"A what, my Lord?"

"A palantir. A seeing stone that will allow me to spy upon my enemies from afar. I have learned that all the top wizards have one, so I should have one too. Go get me one."

"And where shall I get this palantir from, my Lord?"

Voldemort frowned. It was one of his "sour lemon" frowns -- a phrase that Wormtail had learned not to even think in Voldemort's presence -- in which his entire face pinched together, the middle of his upper lip trying desperately to touch his formidable eyebrows.

"I have learned that one may be acquired from a certain boy. I do not know his name, but he calls himself "E Boy". Now go!"

Wormtail sighed again. Voldemort had once again wandered too close to some Muggle artifacts, despite Peter's best efforts.

"Erm...sir? Would that be "EBay"?", he asked.

Voldemort blinked.

"Perhaps. Even so, go fetch me a palantir." Voldemort assumed a regal pose on his chair, marred slightly by a sudden shift of his armchair throne on its uneven book pillars.

Pettigrew began slouching back to his room. He had foreseen this. Ever since that mailing had arrived from the Sauron Fan Club, Peter had been expecting trouble. Luckily, he was well prepared. Reaching his own room, he fumbled under his cot for a heavy box. Carefully, he pulled out a shining black globe, buffed to an opalescent sheen.

"This better work," he mumbled to himself as he hurried back to Voldemort's chamber. He had been busy polishing the heavy globe for several days. He had almost succeeded in wearing away the "Brunswick" logo, but the three fingerholes were still clearly there. He would just have to explain to Voldemort that they were intended to make the palantir more portable. Yes, that was the ticket, he thought. This is a laptop model palantir, Lord. Very portable. Plus. if they ever organize a Dark Wizard's Bowling League, you'll be all set.

To Be Continued....
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 2 August 2005 7:49:06pm

gadfly22 wrote:
Although I wonder if LV would have read LotR?

You kidding? I bet he has a whole collection of "Sauron Lives" T-shirts.

Just a note to prevent any future possible embarrassment: J.K. Rowling is short for Joanne Kathleen Rowling. :grin:

Welcome to B&O!

And, yes, I definately think Rowling would have read the LotR books. She's a highly educated woman, and she's someone who does a LOT of research. Most authors start out as avid readers, so I think it's safe to say she's familiar with the works of Tolkein.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 2 August 2005 7:52:09pm

:lol: I tried to help you prevent embarassment, and it backfired. I thought the original question was wondering if JKR had read LotR, not Voldemort (I'm not great at remembering what the initials are).

In that case, I have no idea. It does seem odd that all these wizards wouldn't have read any classical literature, particularly things like LotR or Macbeth, which are steeped in magic.
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Postby Lelie » Tuesday 2 August 2005 9:36:51pm

they probably do in muggle studies... :)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 3 August 2005 12:57:34am

ooooo there's a thought... :-)

still seems like they'd do it anyway, rather than just people who choose to take muggle studies, but it's at least an interesting option.
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