New Places?

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New Places?

Postby carsten » Saturday 25 June 2005 9:35:41am

I am expecting Harry to visit new places.

We learned about the Ministry and St. Mungos before he actually went there. We learned about Azkaban and other schools, but he hasn't been to those places yet. So I am expecting something like visiting a prisoner or a student exchange programme. Maybe that is the reason why he will spend such a short time with the Dursleys (as announced by JKR). :D
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Postby Nikki » Saturday 25 June 2005 5:40:26pm

hmm.....makes sense
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Postby Nightcrawler » Sunday 26 June 2005 12:01:20pm

Perhaps we'll get to see Godric's Hollow. That'd be pretty cool.
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Postby Nikki » Sunday 26 June 2005 2:06:50pm

Yeah, then we should visit Snapes home, wonder what that looks like........
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Postby thestral » Monday 27 June 2005 8:22:59am

i would love to see gadric's hollow. also now sirius is dead (a moment's silence for the departed :cry: ) i'm sure he'll leave nearly all of it to harry and probably some to lupin and maybe the weasleys cos he's nice.

but anyway, that might mean he'll leave harry some sort of place, or maybe cos his guardian has died he'll come into his full inheritance from his parents, hence he'll get godric's hollow or something. harry will be really rich. :grin:. yay for him. *grumbles as she fishes in her purse and finds only manky bits of fluff*
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Postby sirius_lives_forever » Thursday 30 June 2005 10:58:05pm

that would be really cool to see what snapes house is like!!
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Friday 1 July 2005 1:39:33pm

Nikki wrote:Yeah, then we should visit Snapes home, wonder what that looks like........

I'd love to see him home too, I doubt he lives at Hogwarts all the time. And I'd like to see Malfoy's Mansion too and also Godric Hollow as well as what Azkaban looks like inside...
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Postby Manticore » Saturday 2 July 2005 4:20:57pm

new places would be cool, but i think if they are new they will be ones that have not been introduced yet or mentioned in passing, and didn't harry's house at godric's hollow get blown apart with the rebounded curse, or am i just imagining things?
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Postby Nikki » Saturday 2 July 2005 9:00:16pm

Malfoy's house would be awesome to see, i bet everything inside is green, for Slytherin you know, and i wonder what Draco's mom looks like, i dont know if she's nice cuz i didn't read the 4th book.......
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Postby Nikki » Saturday 2 July 2005 9:01:28pm

And Snape's house is probably like a dungeon or somethin'.....
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Postby Manticore » Sunday 3 July 2005 11:23:41pm

yeah, narcissa (draco's mom) was in the fourth book, she was described as looking quite like the rest of her family, thin, white hair and fairly severe
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Postby Nikki » Monday 4 July 2005 12:31:08am she is just like her son in other words eh?
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Postby darkcloak » Monday 4 July 2005 9:53:32am

Could Harry be taking a trip to one of the other schools mentioned in Goblet of Fire?

Durmstrang would be interesting.
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Postby Nikki » Monday 4 July 2005 4:27:00pm

Yeah, that would be cool if Harry visited the other schools, i havent read the 4th book, so r they all called Hogwarts?
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Postby darkcloak » Monday 4 July 2005 6:17:57pm

Nikki wrote:Yeah, that would be cool if Harry visited the other schools, i havent read the 4th book, so r they all called Hogwarts?

Clearly I don't want to give too much away so I'll just say that there are schools other than Hogwarts that teach magic; each with it's own 'character'. These are located in different countries, under different Ministries of Magic I would imagine, all with different rules and views on educating wizards.

It's very much like the education system throughout our world, all teaching in different ways with different goals and codes.

I wonder how Harry would fare at a school focused on perfecting the dark arts?
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