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carsten wrote:Thinking about the poor reputation of students from Slytherin's house, I am tempted to put the blame on the school.
What do we know about them? Poor manners, bad moods, pale skin and improvable social co-operation. But is it their fault? No! .
While DD's pet students, the Gryffindors, live in a nice tower with a view over the premises,.
poor Slytherins have to vegetate in a dungeon. Of course they are pale! And muggle researchers have found out, that a lack of sunlight dampens the mood you are in. The suicide rate in dark Norwegian winter is much higher than in sunny Spain! .
So it was and remains a wrong decision to put poor Slytherins in such circumstances. This falls into the area of responsibility of the school. .
So DD and his predecessors have their share of liability of all the dire straits caused by students from that house.
i dont agree with you. you are suggesting that purely keeping a house underground makes the Slytherins have poor manners, bad moods, pale skin and improvable social cooperation? does it have nothing to do with their characters? making harry sleep in a closet for 11 years didnt make him nasty.
And muggle researchers have found out, that a lack of sunlight dampens the mood you are in.
The suicide rate in dark Norwegian winter is much higher than in sunny Spain!
pallas artemis wrote:Did you ever consider that maybe it is the bloody cold winter that makes them suicidal not the dark!!
Well, my feeling is that some people got the joke and others didn't. Again my excuses for sending them off to the wrong direction.TheDragonMaster wrote:what's there to be sorry for? a theory is a theory. actually, it was a good one, but however, not a lot of ppl were on your side, cartsen. actually, i'd have to agree on the Norwegian thing.
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