Draco's end?

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How will Draco Malfoy end up?

He will die
He will go to Azkaban
He will survive
Total votes : 25

Draco's end?

Postby Groo » Thursday 29 April 2004 2:37:20pm

when the books end, some people would end as well :(
i posted the poll for Draco because he is the most intriguing. i vote he dies,probably at Harry's hands but Ron killing him would be sweeter

i also think Snape,DD,McGonagall,Molly and possibly Lupin dying. Hagrid will DEFINATELY survive :)
One of the Weasley elders must survive and i think its Arthur.
Tonks and company... i think some will die but dunno.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Thursday 29 April 2004 8:48:18pm

I guess this is gonna be a death thread, so that's cool. (not death, the thread :lol: )
Here's my idea's on whose gonna croak:
1. Lupin- You've got Wormtail with the silver hand, right? It seems to be the general consensus that Wormtail will kill Lupin.
2. Dumbledore-Not too popular or helpful when dead, but I do think something like this will occur: Voldemort will be about to kill DD but DD would be able to escape if he used some kind of "dark magic" on Voldy, but of course DD won't so he'll die.
3. Moody-Just my prediction. Someone almost got him in OoTP, maybe he's lost his touch.
4. Bill or Charlie-I just have a feeling one or both of them is going to kick the bucket.

I don't want to put anymore or I'll get depressed. :cry:
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 29 April 2004 8:52:41pm

I think Draco will survive. Don't ask me why, but I have this feeling.

We know that good (almost) always defeats evil. This will most certainly be the case (with a lot of deaths, I think). However, not all bad guys will die, and I think draco won't die...
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Postby Won Wheezy » Thursday 29 April 2004 9:03:28pm

You blood-thirsty young people! :lol: You'd kill off everybody, wouldn't you? Actually, I don't think there will be that many deaths. I'm not sure about Dumbledore, he might have to die in the end. But I don't think any of the Weasley's will, nor Draco. He's a little coward, really so I think he will stay out of the real danger.
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Postby Alice I » Thursday 29 April 2004 10:07:43pm

I voted for Draco to spend the resy of his miserable days in Azkaban Prison. (Actually I just put him there in my story he he he)

This is who I think might die:

Fudge!!! (little twerp)
Moody (I have to agree with EWPZ on that count)
Lupin but I don't want him to
Wormtail ? and that will be a ? for me until the end. I want him to die but somehow I think he will end up the last and sole survivor of the mauraders. :cry:
Bagman but in doing so redeems himself
Snape ? another ? til the end. I am undecided as to the disposition I would wish on him.
A whole bunch of Aurors/Giants/Goblins/House Elves/Trolls and yes Muggles too.
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Postby imc130d » Thursday 29 April 2004 11:36:19pm

Oooh, a death thread. What fun. :evil grin:

(I'm not saying that I think ALL of these characters will die. If I had to guess, I'd say between 1/3 and 1/2 of these.)

Core Trio: Ron, if anyone. The chess game theory makes too much sense.

Primary Characters:
Dumbledore: Almost certain. For Harry to grow powerful enough to defeat Voldemort, he has to come out from under Dumbledore's wing permanently. I'm already picturing the seventh book conversation between Harry and Dumbledore's portrait.
Voldemort: Almost certain. Hey, he's Voldemort.
Snape: Very likely. I can't see how he'll manage to avoid a confrontation with Voldemort between now and the end of Book 7, and I can't see how he'd manage to live through such a confrontation.
Luna: Likely. She's very serene about death, and seems brave enough to be in Gryffindor. It wouldn't surprise me if she sacrificed herself at some critical point simply because she was the first person to see it as a possible solution to whatever problem was being faced, and act accordingly.
Fred and/or George: Possible. Not sure why I think so, other than that I think Diagon Alley is a likely battle site, and they'll be right in the middle of it.

Secondary Characters:
Lupin: Very likely. Not only does Pettigrew have a silver hand, the mythological Remus is killed by his brother. Symbolically, I'd say that's Peter.
Molly Weasley: Likely. The Arthurian character Percival was indirectly responsible for his mother's death.
Trelawney: Likely. Since the Death Eaters couldn't get the prophecy, the source of the prophecy is their next logical target.
Petunia Dursley: Likely. If Voldemort figures out the protection setup at #4 Privet Drive, Petunia becomes a target.

Tertiary characters and groups:
One or more of the Hogwarts faculty: I'm guessing the battle will find its way onto the Hogwarts campus before we're done.
One or more students from each house: See previous. Each house for thematic purposes...the battle will affect everyone.
Several, if not most, members of the Order of the Phoenix: They're the front line.
Several, if not most, members of the Death Eaters: See previous.
One or more members of the Ministry of Magic: Either as part of the previous two groups, or as a result of being caught in the middle.
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Postby Groo » Friday 30 April 2004 2:10:43pm

imc :o
you.. you.. you dared to kill Fred or George!!!!!!!!!!!!
they heard you. they are currently busy sending you a Howler and a Puking pastille :D (j/k)

very smart points you raised about Luna and Petunia ,btw ;)

good to see Hagrid is surviving so far :)
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Postby imc130d » Friday 30 April 2004 7:08:34pm

It's okay Groo, you can come down from off the ledge. :D Note that I listed Fred & George as "Possible", rather than "Likely", "Very Likely", or "Almost Certain". Frankly, I figured that if anything, people would be upset that I listed Voldemort as "Almost Certain" rather than "Certain".

While I'm pontificating though, I should add a couple of disclaimers:

Original Trio: I'm assuming that Harry actually defeats Voldemort without having to sacrifice himself. If Harry does have to sacrifice himself, I'm guessing Ron will live.

Primary Characters: Listing Molly and Fred & George assumes that Ron lives. I think it's unlikely that JKR will kill more than one Weasley. However, I'm almost certain that at least one Weasley will die.

Tertiary Characters: I'd guess that we'll see student and faculty deaths at the other schools as well as Hogwarts, depending on the scale of the Second War. And I totally forgot to mention deaths from other species (giants, trolls, house elves, goblins, centaurs, spiders, etc).
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Friday 30 April 2004 7:45:42pm

I can see Draco surviving without problems (but I'm not sure why) as well as Lucius (but Lucius would end up in Azkaban) and strangely, I don't think that Snape will die. But it's just a feeling, I can't imagine him dying (while I can imagine Dumbledore or Lupin dying), but maybe it's only my hope...
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Postby Female_alien » Friday 30 April 2004 9:07:22pm

Sooner or later everybody dies (even Fred and George :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: )

But Draco won't die soon and won't be in Azkaban (trust me.. he he). He'll save his but, as usual. And--- Just trust me - he won't die!
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Friday 30 April 2004 9:43:08pm

Hmm, I was trying not to mention any of the kids dying. But if any of them do I think Luna and maybe Neville :cry:
I don't want Draco to die because he's so deliciously evil :evil grin:
And I'm pretty positive Hagrid will survive since JKR is in love with him! :grin:
I agree with Alice I about Mundungus dying. I think he'll overhear something he definately wasn't suppost to, since his job is kind of like spying.
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Saturday 1 May 2004 12:45:56pm


I think I just saw in text in my head something about mundungus and important info in book 7
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Sunday 2 May 2004 4:43:22pm

Gah! Visions!? That's worse than my HP dreams! :lol: Do you remember what ur vision was? Concentrate, or I shall go fetch my veritaserum.
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Monday 3 May 2004 6:31:59pm

*puts on a posh breathless haggard DD voice*

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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 3 May 2004 6:49:33pm

oy... so many ideas...

Draco is a little cowardly twerp who will hide when things get rough... he'll survive.

I dont remember where I read it, but I get the impression from several interviews with J.K. Rowling that none of the trio will die (even her putting in stuff like "Harry, if he survives, lalala...")

So I don't think it'll be Ron.

I do believe the Percy/Percival theory... and I think that, as much as I'd hate to see her go, Molly will die. For those unfamiliar with the Percy/Percival theory, Percival was indirectly responsible for his mother's death and an uncle's death. I put Sirius as the "uncle."

I do think both Dumbledore and Voldemort will die.

I do think Lupin will die, but I am not sure how I feel about the Wormtail theory... Yes, I know, silver kills werewolves... I am still looking for it to be someone Lupin wouldn't ordinarily consider to be an enemy, but a "brother"... (read up on Remus and his brother in legends and mythology... Remus's brother and his followers are responsible for his death)... then again, I guess if you consider the Marauders, before James died, as brothers, then Wormtail and Lupin would be "brothers" in that respect... so it could happen... :grin:

A summing up:

Harry lives. I just refuse to believe that he would die... and I wonder how the story would continue til the end if he dies (with it being told almost entirely through his point of view.

Ron will live. This is just intuition, I don't feel like he'll die. I think he'll live a long and happy life with Hermione.

Hermione will live (see above). But she is probably the most vulnerable of the trio, and I think Ron will do something to save her life in a major way. This will make her admit to herself that she really does love him. :grin: She will also teach Potions.

Dumbledore dies. I just know it.

Voldemort dies. No one, not even Rowling, would reel people in for seven books to have the bad guy live.

The Weasleys: Molly dies, probably in Book 6, and indirectly caused by Percy's huge mistake in believing the ministry instead of his family. Arthur survives and becomes the next Minister of Magic. Fred and George survive and become successful businessmen. However, if I'm wrong and Arthur dies, I believe it will fall to Fred and George to care for Ginny until she comes of age. Ginny will live cuz I like her. :lol: Bill and Charlie are up in the air. I could go two ways with Percy, but I feel like he'll die, hopefully after he's seen the error of his ways and does something to redeem himself.

The Order: Of the members of the Order, I think Lupin will most definately die, but I am not for sure how (see above). I feel like Tonks will live and grow to actually be a very respected witch. Moody, I think, will not be killed in the heat of battle, but is more likely to be impaled upon his own sword, so to speak... I'd hate to see Mundungus go, and you know, I don't think he will. I think Snape will either be killed, or more likely, will not and will have finally earned his spot as the teacher of DADA.

Death Eaters: Unfortunately, I think if we're talking about a ratio kinda thing, about three Death Eaters to every one Order member will survive. I don't know who those Death Eaters will be, though.

I think Petunia may die. I agree with whoever said Luna stands a good chance of dying, but I hate to see her go. I love that character. Neville will live, I'm sure of it. Frank and Alice Longbottom will, I think, be restored once the secrets out about the bad happenings at St. Mungo's. I think various members of the DA, like Dean, Seamus, Lavender, the Patils and possibly Cho will die. I don't know about all of them dying, but I think the group as a whole will want to be where the action is, and that will mean that some of them will die.
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