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Violet wrote:2. As i said above i think that as the student appears to get some sort of choice in where they go malfoy does display many qualities of slytherin, but he was aspiring to be like his father and the best way for him to do that would be to be in slytherin.
the thing going for him being family always in ron was told he should be in gryffindor because weasleys are always in gryffindor....
Jotomicron wrote:1. Well, as you say, Seamus is not that loyal, because he wanted a proof of what Harry was saying. But he went to Gryffindor... I think the hat took that long to decide weather Gryffindor qualities were strong enough to put him in that House.
As for Neville, we all agree that there is really more about him than meets the eye. Like with Harry, maybe the hat was wndering between Gryffindor and somet other house instead. Hufflepuff, maybe! But in the end of the first book, he shows the courage he has when he tries to fight the Trio...
2. Yeah, Malfoy expected to be in Slytherin: he says that in Madame Malkins's store. He willed it so much that it came over all qualities he might have! The hat could try to find out what qualities he had, but he would never found anything else than the will to belong to Slytherin, as it was what he really wanted..
4. Well, I think there are more magical people tha others. Some might do magic just because the feel like it, other must try hard to make it... (for instance, Hermione just waves the wand and the spell comes, Neville must think hard in the spell, try to remember the words and the movement - I'm just speculating, though)
Aberforth wrote:THey do teach arithmancy, which sounds very much like arithmatic. And they have a professor called Vector - another mathematical term.
It would be assumed that they were taught how to count in primary school.
As for english - they already speak english and are not known for reading muggle literature. They have quick-quotes quill for writing stories etc, so don't really need to learn it.
Fluffy bear wrote:And Malfoy is from pure blood family,he's ambicious and his father is DE and his mother sister of a DE.Think what would happen to him if he wasn't in Slytherin,he would pratically dishonured his father.
I actually think that there is a chance for Malfoy to be good,cause he will find out sooner or later his that he hates what his father does.
I saw somewhere that they said for Malfoy that apple doesn't fall far from the tree.What about Sirius?He actually fall veeeeeeeeeeeery far from the tree!!!
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