"The heart of it all"

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"The heart of it all"

Postby Albus » Monday 28 July 2003 10:40:10pm

I have checked and checked and it seems to me there's not a topic already about this (I hope so, Lizzy has already *reproached* me once :) ...).

Here's a quote from JK's interview, June 18th 2003:

JEREMY PAXMAN: Unlikely pairings? Not Hermione and Draco Malfoy or anything like that?

JK ROWLING: I don't really want to say as it will ruin all the fan sites. They have such fun with their theories ... and it is fun, it is fun. And some of them even get quite close. No-one has ever - I have gone and looked at some of it and no-one's ever ... There is one thing that if anyone guessed I would be really annoyed as it is kind of the heart of it all. And it kind of explains everything and no-one's quite got there but a couple of people have skirted it. So you know, I would be pretty miffed after thirteen or fourteen years of writing the books if someone just came along and said I think this will happen in book seven. Because it is too late, I couldn't divert now, everything has been building up to it, and I've laid all my clues.

Now, the point is: what is the thing which is really "the heart of it all" ???
I can do only some possible speculations, even having read all the topics which you all have discussed 8) .
But we must think of something really important...

1- Dumbledore and Harry related (see a topic of Sacred Guardian about this): I think that would be really important, but I'm not sure of it... He should have told him nowadays and moreover DD was'nt in the Mirror...

2- Lily was a Death Eater... I heard this in one topic too... It's an interesting idea, it would explain many things... But I have always thought about Lily as a *pure* woman... I dunno...

3- Harry has an unexpected power who nobody knows at the moment. That would explain that part of the prophecy "he will have powers the Dark Lord does not" or something like that. But what power ???

4- Ron will turn to the bad side for a moment. This is possible in my opinion, but I have the impression it's not the kind of thing JK was meaning... I dunno how to explain myself...

5- Peter Pettigrew will help Harry in defeating Voldemort (you remember in PoA, "the day will come, Harry Potter, in which bla bla bla...), but I think this is in some way too "expectable"

6- Maybe James or Lily had been under the Imperius Curse and for some time they were under Voldemort's control. I'm wondering what may have been the consequences...

7- Harry the heir of Gryffondor ? (too predictable ?)

For the moment I have no more...
Any ideas from you ?
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 29 July 2003 12:10:16am

from the ideas you have stated, the only ones i think are possible are numers 4 and 6 simply because those are the only ones i haven't heard before. if we are going to figure out what the heart of it all is before she realeases the 7th book, we need to think of new ideas, or go farther on ideas we already have, even when it seems impossible to go any further. after all, she said some people have gotten close, who they are we don't know, perhaps it's someone on this very forum.
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Postby zledm007 » Tuesday 29 July 2003 12:11:37am

number 3 has potential as well, it's just figuring out what that power is that's the hard part.
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Re: "The heart of it all"

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 29 July 2003 12:43:10am

Albus wrote:I have checked and checked and it seems to me there's not a topic already about this (I hope so, Lizzy has already *reproached* me once :) ...).

Awwww! :oops: I'm really not THAT bad! :razz:

I think this is fabulous topic :D and the only thing I'd say (to everyone) is to be careful not to mention anything spoilerish about book 5 in your discussion on this thread! :) Otherwise, I trust you, Albus :), that there's not another thread with this topic! :grin: :lol:

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Tuesday 29 July 2003 1:46:23am

i don't think that lily was a death eater either, i mean, yeah, she could have betreyed him and that's why vld attacked the potters, but it was b/c of the prophecy
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Postby Albus » Tuesday 29 July 2003 9:59:56am

I think there's already something spoilerish, if you look above at my number 3 :oops: ...
Is it possible to move the topic to the Theories Based on OoTP or shall we leave it here ? Maybe just adding "spoiler" to the subject of the topic ? But how ?
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Postby Nacht » Wednesday 30 July 2003 2:39:56pm

We don't want to make JKR miffed now do we?
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Postby zledm007 » Wednesday 30 July 2003 2:54:50pm

awe, but it's so much fun, besides, what are the chances we'll actually get it right?
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Postby Dink Meeker » Wednesday 30 July 2003 2:59:26pm

I always wondered if it had something to do with the reason LV hated James and Lily so much. I can't remember it stating anywhere, does anyone know what James (and / or Lily) did as an occupation. They weren't Aurors, were they?
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Postby zledm007 » Wednesday 30 July 2003 3:00:46pm

i don't think they were aurors, but i also don't think jkr has said what their occupations were. that could be it. good work huey!
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Postby Dink Meeker » Wednesday 30 July 2003 3:02:41pm

zledm007 wrote:awe, but it's so much fun, besides, what are the chances we'll actually get it right?

Even if we got it right, we'd never know it.

At the end of book 7 someone with a good memory might go..... "Gee I remember discussing that in a forum 5 years ago, but we dismissed it as just too zany!!"
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Postby Marcus Baker » Wednesday 30 July 2003 3:44:47pm

The one that i think will happen is #5. I dont think it was expectable, cuz he let voldie free. He probally did it becuase voldie would kill him or something, he is to scared...or something like that. Maybe he will help him for lupin (and james and siruis, i dont know if i can say this, but you would know why this is in brackets) to forgive him. Another theory is that Lupin would use his animargius form to fight. That would be cool. Maybe someone will kill lupin, and finish the mauridores.
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Postby AccioNiffler » Wednesday 30 July 2003 4:22:42pm

Lupin was never an animangus, was he? I just thought that he was a wereworlf, and all his friends were animanguses (what a long word :grin: )

I think on your list Albus, you left out anything about Lily and Harry's eyes. I think that maybe that ties into #3. Maybe Harry's mother had some power and passed down to Harry and so they have the same eyes? I think I remember reading a theory somewhere *hmmm... where did I read it??* It was about the importance of their eyes... Arg, I cant remember very much, I think that they called Lily a Jackyl or something. I dont remember, I have to go find the site so I can post it. It's going to drive me nuts now :roll: !
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Postby Albus » Wednesday 30 July 2003 4:45:22pm

Well, you're right AccioNiffler... :)
I had heard it too: one of the rumoured (is it correct ?) titles of the sixth book is "Harry Potter and the Green Flame Torch"; as I have said somewhere in this forum, I've heard that the colour of the Torch is strictly connected with the colour of Harry (and so Lily, obviously) eyes...
They say that the Torch has the power of distinguishing good and evil or something like that...

Anyway, in addition, I heard somewhere else that JKR has said that something little in the Chamber of Secrets will become really VERY important later.
I've been re-reading CoS, but I have find nothing so interesting...
Only one point: when Harry arrives not to Diagon Alley but to Nocturne Alley (or what is the English for it, I hope you have understood...), he can hear in a strange and dark shop Lucius Malfoy selling something dangerous to the shop owner; or better, Malfoy says that it will be better for him to give away some of the things he used when Voldemort was at the power (potions or something like that).
I'm sorry I haven't been very correct, but I have only the Italian version of CoS and so I can't quote exactly.
Hope someone will :)
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Postby justin » Wednesday 30 July 2003 4:58:10pm

Great ideas, but if something is the heart of 7 whole books then it needs to be pretty impotant and not just a character point. Really for one of these ideas to work is must have been hinted at in all 5 books so far. The "one thing" that she is talking about "explains everything." Also, it has to be very tied into the series if she can't "divert" from it. She is building up to this thing. Just some thoughts to put ideas in perspective.

I believe that JKR is referring to what Harry's future is. You really have 2 options that I see here:
1. A plot point that is an unexplained minor point. It could be several hints that she has never tied together.
2. A plot point that is related to time, and will come about after all the books years passed.

These books are based around years that Harry goes to school. The easiest thing for JKR to have been alluding to would be what will happen to Harry when he graduates. As has been pointed out on other posts, there are a LOT of hints regarding what Harry will become (Auror, a teacher, head of Hogwarts, Minister of Magic, etc.). To me Harry's future seems like something that fits all of her clues so far. There is no way that she can change what she has thought up for Harry.

Most of the other ideas are nice, but they really are not that important to the overall story, just nice sidenotes. Really most of those could be pretty easily written around if someone spoiled it. The mysterious power seems like a given since Harry has to defeat LV.

Anywho, just some thoughts.
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