Truely Unstopperble (spoliers)

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Truely Unstopperble (spoliers)

Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 2:58:02pm

Is it just me, or do you get the impression that Avada Kedavra is in fact blockable and not unblockable that moody said (crouch jr). I mean come on if theres duels going on, you telling be that a death eater is going to use any other curses then a curse that is not only deadly but in fact unblockble. It might be harder to do and maybe to pull of, but I dont beleive for a second that they would of used anything else if they could do it, unless of course it was blockable. It might explain why the death eater didnt use it on hermonie, as he wanted to do a fast spell and not a deadly one that maybe with more time could of been blocked. Plus look at it this way, the person that told Harry that it was in fact unblockable was Crouch jr a servent of Voldemorts, now is he going to teach students how to block a curse that could be used against voldemorts most powerful allie (in the sense of spells) no of course not, so until Harry gets the information from a reliable source like Dumbledore then I dont believe it can be unblockable, as I tell you one thing it it was unblockble then there should of been more deaths then Blacks thats for sure.

Any views please put them down.
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Postby Person#11 » Wednesday 25 June 2003 3:06:14pm

Like Lestrange said, you have to truly mean a unforgivable curse, and I immagine you have to mean AK more the Crucio. Unless you are truly desparate like the guy who tried to AK Hermione, or you truly hated them like Voldy against Harry.
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Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 4:03:21pm

Like Lestrange said, you have to truly mean a unforgivable curse, and I immagine you have to mean AK more the Crucio. Unless you are truly desparate like the guy who tried to AK Hermione, or you truly hated them like Voldy against Harry
I agree she did say that, but this proves nothing and only stregthens my case, now she had the strength to use the unforgivable curses as she used one on harry so I guess she could of used avada kedvara, so why did she not use it in the death chamber, in fact why not use it on harry if she thought he could not block them instead of running away, and I still beleive that all the death eaters have the hatered to use it, and if not all then some of them, Like I said until Dumbledore or sombody realiable says its unblockable then i refuse to beleive it is.
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Postby werebane » Wednesday 25 June 2003 8:24:02pm

I wouldnt say i is blockable by mgical means, but asall curses are like a ray of energy, you could physically moe out of the way and doge it
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Postby Person#11 » Wednesday 25 June 2003 11:13:57pm

You seem to be correct werebane, although it would be dependant, on what phisical matterial you are blocking with and the spell that is hiting it, and the nature of the spell when it hits.

Avad Kedavra must require even more desparation, I don't think she could have used it on harry, besides she was just playing around with him, not trying to kill him.
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Postby werebane » Thursday 26 June 2003 12:32:41am

well obviously im correct you idiot
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Thursday 26 June 2003 12:42:50am

werebane wrote:well obviously im correct you idiot

I believe it was Lucius Malfoy who said, "Play nicely." :) Certainly applicable here . . . posts on this forum, to my knowledge, are solely the *opinion* of the writer . . . I believe I quote Paul, the Forum Admin., when I type that. There is no right or wrong (especially in a 'theories' section!)--while you're entitled to your opinion, thus are others entitled to theirs. :D

Let's keep it respectful, please . . . not yelling at either of you, Person #11 or werebane . . . I'm all for a healthy debate (which you had going, until it went awry) . . . but not condescendtion or disrespect . . . this is a wonderful forum . . . let's keep it that way! :grin:

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Postby Boycey » Thursday 26 June 2003 1:19:42pm

It seems that im getting out weight here with no one agreeing with me, fair enough, as lizzy bennet says we are all entiled to our opinions and this will be the last time I put a post down to back my case.
I think you are basing your evidence on that Harry could not do avada Kedavra and because he did not have the hatred to do it then people who clearly have hatred in them cant and this does not make sense, okay maybe not all the death eaters could use avada kedavra but I believe that Lestrange clearly could use it, I mean if she can do crucio then she can do avada kedavra in my opinion. Okay she was toying with Harry and that why she did not use it straight away, but if you believe for a second she would not use it on members of the phineox if unblockable and just toy with them too when they are dueling in the death chamber, then I really would like to here your explainations.
Okay we definatly know that Avada Kedavra can be blocked be material such as a statue as wolfbane pointed out so here is an example that it can be blocked so when moody (who was crouch jr, who could not be trusted to give reliable information a curse that if was blockable could be used against his master) told him there is no way of blocking the curse, this is a lie, as things like statues can block it, and I also believe that there must be a spell to block avada kedavra too, otherwise to me lestrange would of killed all the OoP even if no one else can use it, she must be able too, she just must.
here is my last point and proberly the best as it proves that at least some of the death eaters can use avada kedavra, so I would like to here why they would not of used advada kedavra on the OoP if unblockable and here there are two quotes both on beyond the veil chapter page 695 and 696 brit version,
first quote
be gentle with potter until weve got the prophecy, you can kill the others if necessary
Okay this proves that the death eaters have the strength to kill, okay it might not mean avada kedevra but I don't know how else they can kill them other then use the killing curse, unless they use muggle ways of course.
the second one proves that one death eater and it was not lestrange can use avada kedavra,
and was pointing his wand at hermonie, who was crawling out from under the desk to get a better aim avada-
harry launched himself across the floor and grabbed the death eater around the knees
I don't want to change your minds or incourage people not to put there views down, but like I said I think people are basing there views on that harry could not do it so hardly no one can, and this does not make sense.
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Postby werebane » Thursday 26 June 2003 9:57:39pm

In book 4, i think the fake moody meant was there is no spell that can prevent it; he also said something like " you need a bit of power behind it" and harry is not like a super wizard, so he could use it but it probolly wouldnt have killed her..
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Postby APWBD » Thursday 26 June 2003 10:31:55pm

I see what ur talking about Boycey... But i don' t think it is blockable with any type of spell. After all, if it were, why wouldn't Lily and James have used it? They seemed powerful enough to know how to do a complex spell like that. Unless... well, this idea would probably belong in a thread about Lily, but her wand was good for charm work right? So what if she sacrificed herself and put the charm on Harry, protecting him, and then Voldie tried to kill Lily bc he knew what she was trying to do, and he wanted to break the charm. But killing her didn't break the charm, even though Voldemort thought that it would, so The charm not only protected Harry, but bounced the spell back at Voldie. The only charm I can think of is the shield charm, but it can only deflect minor jinxes. However, if Lily were as good at charms as she's supposed to be, then maybe she knew how to make the charm stronger???

(The shield charm in talked about in ch. 25, pg 553 Am version, or about 5 pages into the british version, when they talk about Neville and D.A.)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 1:41:40pm

Well, here are my thoughts... ;)

I don't think that any charm that Lily performed helped Harry survive, it was the sacrifice that she made when she died trying to save him... and her love for Harry... :-?

Also, Boycey, I did like that idea that maybe AK was stopable, because we only have Fake Moody's word that it isn't, but then this occured to me... if it was inface a blockable curse, why did no one manage to block it when Voldie tried to kill them, and why was everyone so surprised that Harry lived at the age of 1, if it was in fact a blockable curse??? :???:

But until I thought of that, I really did like your theory!!! :D

OOh, I just thought of another hold inthe theory...(sorry Boycey)... they had to research the Unforgivable Curses for homework... so one of the texts surely would have said something about it, and I'm sure taht Hermoine for one would have found out of fake Moody was lying... :(
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 1:47:50pm

most witches and wizards have love from somewhere so why didnt it bou nce of them???
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 3:12:37pm

Beause her love for Harry why she sacrificed herself for him... I would say that no one else has someone who truely loves them die for them to prevent the AK curse... :-?
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Avada Kedavra in the Death Chamber

Postby jonny5 » Saturday 28 June 2003 11:56:38pm

Um, just to tell you all there were definately Death Eaters using the killing curse in the 'battle'. It says like, three times that Harry ducked or saw green flashes of light streaking by him. Of course, I am assuming that those green flashes were AK curses but all the same, i think they were. So yea, the Death Eaters can do it and they definately use it. However, as was mentioned above, the Order members can just dodge it.
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Postby Shadow Knight » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:11:26am

yea it sid they all dodged a few green curses
Shadow Knight


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