New Gryffndor Quidditch Team

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New Gryffndor Quidditch Team

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 24 June 2003 3:27:46pm

Since I'm recalling from memory (meaning, it's likely I'm not accurate, so feel free to correct me! :razz: ), the Gryffndor team, after those who have graduated (or left, in the case of the Weasleys--what a great exit! :lol: ) stands as:

Harry (assuming he gets reinstated, which he will)

That's it, because Angelina, Alicia, Katie (though, maybe Alicia and Katie are 7th years in the 6th book? :-? anyone know? :???: ), Fred, and George will all be gone. Oh wait, there were those two other people who joined the team, and weren't very good. What holes will there be on the team (if any) and if there are holes, who do you think will fill them? I can't say I see either Hermione or Neville up there, but who knows? Any ideas who the new Quidditch team for Gryffndor will be? :D

~ Lizzy :grin:
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Postby June » Wednesday 25 June 2003 5:04:42am

Perhaps Colin and his brother...? =P
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Chasers and Beaters

Postby highsorcerer » Wednesday 25 June 2003 6:06:37am

Seeker: Harry Potter
Keeper: Ron Weasley
Chaser: Ginny Weasley
Chaser: Katie Bell
Chaser: Semus Finnegan
Beater: ?
Beater: ?

Ginny Weasley clearly stated she wanted to play offense, and noted that Alicia and Angelina were in their final year. That means Katie will be in her final year (having made the team in her second year), and probably be team captain. I suggested Semus Finnegan as he's a Quidditch fan and one of the few Gryffandors (other than Neville, the Creevey brothers, and Dean Thomas, and the new, terrible beaters).

It would be interesting if the Creevey brothers became the new beaters.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 25 June 2003 9:43:22pm

:???: :-? Angelina, ALicia, and probably Katies r in their 7th yr in book 5.. WHo's gonna be CAptain is what i wanna know... GInny is so cool in the 5th book... She's very very grown up and no longer scared.... Harry of course will be seeker again.. i was thinking probably hermy will join the team... Im so gonna missed the Weasly twins... :cry: ANd so happy at the end that Umbridge woman got what she deserved..but poor Sirius -.- :cry:
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Postby werebane » Wednesday 25 June 2003 11:12:36pm

Im guessing that harry will be captain. Thats the only thing i can guess
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Postby June » Thursday 26 June 2003 6:44:16am

I don't think Harry will be the Captain... for the same reason he's not Prefect, I think. He's already got too much on his shoulders. Perhaps Katie Bell, if she's in her second year? Perhps Harry will be Captain in his 7th year?

Hermione probbly won't join the team. Even though she likes watching Quidditch, she just doesn't seem to have the same enthusiasm for it that Harry and Ron etc have. She gets the Quidditch terms wrong ("Wonky Faint" instead of "Wronski Feint"...) and couldn't understand why Ron and Harry are talking about QWuidditch all the time. Besides... where would she find the time... she has more subjects than everybody and on top of that, is still fighting for Elf rights as well...

Perhaps if Seamus joins, Dean will as well? They're best friends after all, though Dean seems to prefer soccer.... =P They might be the new beaters... and what about Neville? He seems to be gaining more confidence in Book 5... maybe enough confidence to join the team too. ^_~ Otherwise, it might just be some new students we never heard before... or the Creevy brothers. :grin:
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Postby June » Thursday 26 June 2003 6:45:29am

I mean... Katie Bell, if she's in her 7th year... typo...
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Postby __penguin__ » Friday 27 June 2003 7:17:03am

maybe... luna?

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Postby June » Friday 27 June 2003 7:18:30am

But Luna is in Ravenclaw... and so, could not possibly be in the Gryffindor team...
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Postby Fafnul Black » Friday 27 June 2003 10:15:19am

Yop, the Gryffindor's Quidditch team clearly needs young blood. Since Harry and friends will be in their sixth year, I guess some players from the younger years are needed. Apart from that, some girls are definitely needed, to side with Ginny as chasers. Remember, Gryffindor's team was always the one with the most girls in it, and it would be fine to keep it like this :razz:
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Postby choki » Friday 27 June 2003 11:10:41am

Seamus Finnigan as a chaser, he seems to fit, he likes quidditch too.
There might be younger students joining the team maybe one or two will be from the second or third yrs students
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:38:12am

i think semus will go on the team. i mean hes always talking about it
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:20:52pm

Yeah, I suppose that Seamus would be good, but I cant' see either Neville or Hermoine joining the team...

I hope for new blood as the new beaters... I can't see the Creevey bros either... they just dont' ahve a mean enough streak int hem to hit balls into other people I reckon!!! ;)
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Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:55:15pm

:-? I hope Fred & George will be back and play QUidditch again.. but doubt it... The Weasly simply have talent for that game.. All of the Weasly have played and joined the team..They probably could form their own team. :grin: possible thought. :grin: probably there will be new character to be introduced. Who else is in Griff that haven't been introduced yet? Same for Slytherin, they need some more baddies over there to be introduced.. Hopefully somebody new beside those on the Slytherin's Quidditch team and Draco's gang. :o

:lol: :razz:
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Postby zledm007 » Monday 30 June 2003 1:48:51am

I don't think Harry will be the Captain... for the same reason he's not Prefect, I think. He's already got too much on his shoulders.

I don't know, maybe if he was captain it wouldn't be like it was more weight on his shoulders, but something for him to do to take his mind off all the other stuff. I think he'd love being captain even with the rest of his life hovering over him.
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