Horcrux Counting

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Postby annachie » Monday 1 August 2005 2:01:01pm

Froggs wrote:Seven horcruxes, seven books...perhaps we have been "introduced" to a horcrux in each book, so we already know all but one...Book One would have been LV himself, and so on...Just a guess, I really have no idea what the other horcruxes are...

It's a theory Froggs, and would be the best indicator to Nagini being a horcrux. It only falls down in a couple of places, one of them being PoA which introduces no significant objects, although it does introduce Peter Pettigrew who gains a magical hand at the end of book 4 which could be a new horcrux.
It, as a theory, also seems to rule Harry out but it could then be argued that the piece of LV that survived the original attack on Harry didn't have a soul but was just the essence, meaning then that Harry's scar could be a horcrux. (Possibly created with the soul that LV tore out of himself with the failed killing curse) That would lead to the rebirth of LV in GoF using one of his horcruxes up in re-creating him. (probably Nagini)
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 1 August 2005 5:49:12pm

I know some people think Harry is a horcrux, personally I don't but what do you think to this idea? Does anyone think that LV might have attempted to use something else at Godric's Hollow (which incidentally was introduced in PoA - carrying on from what Froggs wrote) as a horcrux?

E.g. LV tried to create a horcrux when he attempted to kill Harry. Because he failed in killing Harry (as he was the "chosen one") the horcrux was not created and as a result of him trying to create his horcrux with a special horcrux creating spell, his soul was completely divided from his body and was unable to be placed within the horcrux.

We haven't learnt much about how he lost his body and what happened to his body.

Also I want further clarification on what exactly Godric's Hollow is all about. Is there a link to Godric Griffindor? Was this the real house of Gryffindor? Was this house what LV wanted as a horcrux?

Since writing last paragraph - it may be that Godric's Hollow is actually a village. Could there be something else here that LV wanted?
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Postby Amythest » Thursday 11 August 2005 1:59:00am

OK, first of all, stop it with the Harry as Hoxcruse or whatever. Its just no.

Second...some one said that shouldn't it be like 1/64 of his soul and not a seventh, and then i realized, hey wait a second, wouldn't it be like each soul depository is kinda like this liquid in this weirdly connected tube....um, bad similie. I just mean to say that as you divide your soul, it would readjust so that it would be in equal parts, so originally it split in equal parts, then it split into thirds...yes, this is working out to make a lot more sense. However ...every action has an equal opposite reaction....when a horocrux is distroyed, then the soul again is redistributed into equal parts. Ergo, when all the horx's are distroyed, then it is Vold is at his ultimate again.

and then
"at LV's rebirth in GoF, wormtail used bones of the father, flesh of the servant, and blood of the enemy (i think thats all) shouldn't a horcrux have been involved in LV's rebirth? I think so. so one of those three things should have been a horcrux in order for LV to be reborn."

I agree with that a hundred and twenty nine percent.
Heres how i see it:
HI, im vold and i want seven Horx. book, said and done. ring, said and done. locket, said and done. myself, said and done.
THIS LEAVES THREE. OK, so three other houses. Or if one of them is to be harry, then fine. Either way, apparently we know that he only got six done. And shouldn't he have used one to come back to life after he got the AK bounced back onto his evil plotting butt?
SO here is the theory. (Ta Dah!) We first find Vold chillin with quirrel in romainia. Now how was it that he got there? I don't know, say, a horx.
PROOF: WHere the hockey sticks was charlie during DD's funeral? Maybe on a hot tip from DD tracking down the horx so that Harry could add it to his count, or just as proof on that theory, or...to know which house it came from. I mean, Charlie really should have been there, he had better have a good explination.
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Postby Person1 » Thursday 11 August 2005 3:42:10am

[quote="Amythest"]However ...every action has an equal opposite reaction....when a horocrux is distroyed, then the soul again is redistributed into equal parts. Ergo, when all the horx's are distroyed, then it is Vold is at his ultimate again.quote]

Not necessarily, he leaves a part of himself behind, to draw power off of to stay alive, when you destroy the horcrux, you also destroy that part of his soul, it more than less is a "crutch" for his soul to come back, something preventing him from dying.
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Postby annachie » Thursday 11 August 2005 11:13:34am

darkcloak wrote:When we first see the 'Riddle family ring' it's unmarked.

I knew I'd seen this stated somewhere. It isn'tthe Riddle family ring that was a horcrux. It was the ring Marvolo gaunt was wearing during the "The house of gaunt" chapter, which bore the Peverell coat of arms. at the end of the chapter Harry spies the ring in DD's office with a big crack through it and DD says it's the same ring (I believe).

Strangely, there is a Peverell coat of arms (also spelt peverel btw)
Actually several. But the first one, to me at least, looks like a griphon :D

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Postby Person1 » Sunday 14 August 2005 3:54:52pm

Now heres a thought i ahd, going out on a limb here, but in a JKR interview, she wouldn't answer if there waz more than one person in the house when Harry was killed, "what if DD was there trying to protect them" was another thoguth from someone elses post, but what if he failed, and he himself, became a horcrux? It gives a reason for him to be killed, just a straw.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 7:27:33pm

Hmm not sure about that. If DD was there, I think he would have been strong enough to actually fend off LV, he was the only one he'd ever feared and I can't imagine even if he did manage to make DD a horcrux that DD would agree to relinquish that part of the soul back to LV. Nahh not sure about that.

I reckon it's got be Snape that was there or maybe Wormtail as he gave him back the wand in GoF. It could be that both Snape and Wormtail were there though - can't remember if she said there was someone else there or that LV was not alone now?
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Monday 15 August 2005 7:31:08pm

I remember JKR saying something about a dandy with white gloves (I can't remember his name) meeting Sirius there, but I suppose it would be a bit late to introduce another character this far into the story.

The Wormtail thing makes the most sense, he could have shown his master the way, but I get the distinct feeling that James would have caught on quickly enough to kill the *grumbles and mumbles* before Voldemort got him.
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Monday 15 August 2005 7:38:58pm

yeah i can remember reading about the dandy as well luca, but i think he was a character the JKR was going to use and never did, although i might well be wrong...
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Postby Enchanter » Thursday 18 August 2005 1:37:33am

The charater with the white gloves is mentioned on J.K's site under extra stuff, edits, then opening chapters of Philosophers Stone
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Horcruxes in Hiding

Postby post_baseball89 » Thursday 18 August 2005 1:41:56am

If anyone wishes to see a good theory of mine, supported by a few of the Wizarding Community, please see Note in the Locket: R.A.B or Hepzibah Smith and Hufflepuff Cups- on the last pages in both. Thx for all your support email me if u have Q's. I have MSN IM- post_baseball89@yahoo.com add me if u please....
i am writing a school paper over this, so try to help me out.
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Postby darkcloak » Thursday 18 August 2005 9:18:12am

Just posted this in a different folder, but thought it would be relevant here as it is a theory.

darkcloak wrote:During Dumbledore's private lessons, he constantly emphasises the tendancy of Tom Riddle to collect 'trophies' and that these could have been turned into horcruxes.

I have two guesses where one of the horcruxes could actually be and I haven't seen them mentioned yet. These could be in place of Nagini (of which Dumbledore wasn't certain) or the Ravenclaw horcux.

Firstly, it's mentioned in many of the books that Tom Riddle received an award, a trophy for special services to the school, after the first opening of the Chamber of Secrets in 1943 (see here http://www.hp-lexicon.org/timelines/tim ... emort.html)

It's still at Hogwarts (having been polished as punishment in CoS) and Voldemort would surely be smiling to himself at the irony of this award being used to keep him alive.

Secondly, it could be that one of the objects that Tom originally stole in the home has been used to create a Horcrux, as a symbol of his rebellion against Dumbledore?

a yo-yo, a silver thimble and a tarnished mouth-organ

Any thoughts?
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Postby Lelie » Thursday 18 August 2005 5:31:39pm

doesn't harry speculate about that too? and then dd says something to the effect of "no harry, the mouth organ was always just a mouth organ?" dd seems sure that tr gave those things back to their originial owners. how would he have gotten hold of them again?
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Postby darkcloak » Thursday 18 August 2005 5:41:57pm

Lelie wrote:how would he have gotten hold of them again?



Apologies :oops:

I'm sure if he can track down a ring and cup then he would be able to find a few of his former victims. Clearly these are all longshots, but the it's good to throw a few nets a little wider sometimes.
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Postby Tanuki » Friday 19 August 2005 4:43:24am

The mouth organ has no magic power, therefore holds no interest for Voldermort anymore
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