I just Realized:R.A.B

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Postby Simatra » Monday 2 July 2007 7:29:03pm

:eek: Were did you find it?! That's great proof! Regulas, (the Brighter star) is distracting us from what's really there! Alphard, is the real RAB and he's the one we want. HA HA!! You all said I was daffy for the Alpard Black theory! Mwa ha ha! :grin:
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 2 July 2007 9:34:01pm

Alphard is a star in the heart of the Snake in the constellation Hydra....
in the middle of the snake huh? Perhaps involved in the 'heart' of deatheater activities.. being that snake is like a symbol for Voldemort.

But considering that Regulas's middle name is Alphard.. this could also be proof for the Regulas theory :(

I do think the name meanings in the Black family are important.. Since Sirius's name means dogstar I think their name meanings do reveal something about their character.

Regulus = 'the little king'; a star in Leo. Regulus was also the family name of Marcus Atilius Regulus, a famous Roman patriot/martyr who was tortured to death
- I think we can very well gather that Regulas probably was tortured to death, whether he was RAB or not so this is pretty accurate to.
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Postby noris » Thursday 19 July 2007 9:17:16pm

How about R.A.B is actually someone we havent met yet?

And its not just those two Blacks that are named after stars. Check the family tree. Maybe there is some kind of link in there somewhere. Or maybe im just thinking in the wrong direction. :grin:
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 19 July 2007 10:05:36pm

you're right. there are many others besides alphard and regulus. rabastan, for one.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Thursday 19 July 2007 10:46:40pm

Well and RAB has to be someone we've already met or heard of in the books, JK said so herself. Besides it would'nt be as exciting if it was a complete stranger would it?
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 20 July 2007 4:15:45am

Another star name!
Bellatrix, the "Female Warrior", the Amazon Star, is from the translation of its Arabic title, Al Najid, "the Conqueror".

And I also found out that the star is white giant. It didn't develop normally as it should.
And it is in the right arm of Orion, which is pointing almost directly at Canis Major. Sirius.
Regulus is also in the lion which maybe a sign that he redeemed himself because the lion is Gryffindor.
And Bellatrix is on the left side of the belt so that might be important. Possibly reffering to the three letters in the note.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 20 July 2007 4:27:59am

I hate to double post, but this is really important.
The middle star of Orion's belt is Alinlam. Starts with an "A" and it's in the middle. It means string of pearls which might reffer to the necklace.
And this is just interesting but it is believed by many that the Pyramids of Giza line up with Orion's belt. Can any one think of some signifigance to that?
I think that it could be that the ancient Egyptians believed that Canis Major (Sirius) is following Orion up to heaven. Could this have something to do with the Black family and it's sepperations and connctions?
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