Disturbing Question

A place to discuss your Harry Potter theories. Are there hidden secrets and conspiracies? What will happen in future plots? The truth may be in here!

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Scarlet Lioness, FawkesthePhoenix, Lone_Buck, paintballdecoy

Postby Simatra » Friday 13 October 2006 8:06:43pm

yes... harry would have to go back to the DoM so he was in the same place after setting things right. Unless he went outside the MoM, but that's still very complicated...uh.. my Head hurts...
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 14 January 2007 2:55:10am

all the timeturners were smashed, remember? a spell hit the cabinet they were kept in, and it started braking and repairing. you guys really need to reread the books.
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