Why is Snape so ticked off to be called a coward?

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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 19 March 2007 8:19:44pm

Yes he definately doesn't like to give chances. When he wants something done he is adamant that it should be done regardless of what others have to say.
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Postby Simatra » Tuesday 20 March 2007 3:36:51pm

And he's SOOOO vain, remember when he tried to get the Maraders Map to open for him and he said, "Open to the master of this school, Professor Serverus Snape!" :evil:
Or something like that.... :-?
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Postby Run Away!!! » Tuesday 20 March 2007 7:52:30pm

Oh yeah! He's probably been planning to take over Hogwarts this whole time!
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 21 March 2007 3:16:48pm

HA! Over my dead body!
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Thursday 22 March 2007 11:09:51pm

he'd probaly have to kill everyone to gain control, but then he'd just have a castle.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 23 March 2007 1:11:22am

He said that in atempt to make The Map listen to him.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 23 March 2007 3:32:15pm

Oh would you stop sticking up for him? :-? Why are you in Gryindor if you LOVE him so much? :o
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 23 March 2007 9:28:06pm

I'm just defending him from the unjust statements of you!
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 23 March 2007 11:57:09pm

*starts singing under her breath* Godric and Sevy, sittin' in a tree.....
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Postby Simatra » Saturday 24 March 2007 5:07:32pm

Unjust!? :mad: (oh by the way, off topic but I still think it's true! :grin: )since when have i been unjust with the man that killed DD?
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 26 March 2007 8:00:16pm

It think its absolutely justified to hate snape. Would you defend the man that killed your beloved mentor?
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 26 March 2007 9:32:51pm

would you defend the one person V was afraid of? i completly agree with you, run away!!. killing dd was a horrible thing to do. *sighs* why is it that the old, bearded wizards never seem to be able to die a peaceful death from old age? *mutters* first gandalf and now this.......
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Postby youknowwho » Tuesday 27 March 2007 12:18:57am

Gandalf never died :-?
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Postby Simatra » Tuesday 27 March 2007 3:28:58pm

Ah yes but you thought he did,.... Anyway, I have never been unjust to Snape. It's true that I never liked him, but what kind of true Gryffindor dosen't!?
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Postby Run Away!!! » Tuesday 27 March 2007 7:57:26pm

Yes I think its natural for all Gryffindors to lean more towards the Snape is evil argument. People want to be in Gryffindor because its a very honorable, trustworthy, brave house, and of course, harry, hermione and ron are in it. Anybody who likes snively snape should be in slytherin.
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