by Mistress Siana » Thursday 22 February 2007 11:16:31pm
Of course the people are closer! And therefore harder to sacrifice. Would Harry really sacrifice one of his friends? I don't think so. Well, I'm sure most of them would rather sacrifice themselves than let Voldemort win, but that's a different business, that wouldn't be a sacrifice coming directly from Harry. And I think it's necessary for Harry to become a true literary Hero to make his very own, conscious decision at one point, to give something up in order to defeat Voldemort. Of course Hogwarts isn't the greatest possible sacrifice...but I actually think that's in favour of the theory. It's hard, but not unbearably so. I'd rather see Hogwarts fall than Hermione die, for instance. People dying, okay. Harry consciously letting someone die? I'm not sure if I want to go there...and I can't see it, really.