For Those Of Us Still In Denial Over Dumbledore

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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 3 December 2005 11:20:48pm

Interesting, but I simply don't think J.K.R would bring DD back. I really think that she wants Harry to die, and DD has just been his bodyguard all this time.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 4 December 2005 10:01:57am

Why would Harry die? Wouldn't that mean that Lord Voldemort suirvives or something? Or you think it'll be a great turn when Neville is actualli the one who killes LV. :lol: Now seriously...why do you think he will be killed?

I do agree that DD had to die. Thouth I always saw things a bit different. Like all this books are on how harry grows up. And facing LV it's like his final step to becoming a man. His final trial. But he must face this alone. Without all those people that had helped him so much on the way. Here I'm talking not only about Dumblelore but also about Sirius. They have been like mentors, but they had to step aside for Harry's last trial.
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Postby Barny The Barn » Monday 5 December 2005 2:26:22pm

Neither can live while the other survives - it was something like that.

I believe that LV will die and Harry will live purely because we know that the word "scar" is the last word of the final chapter of the final book...I don't believe the word scar has ever been or will be associated with anyone else but why would Harry's scar be interesting if he was dead?

I agree Sunset - they have all been mentors for Harry and have sort of prepared him for what he is about to face although ultimately it will be for Harry to make his own fate.
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 7 December 2005 3:00:35am

So that's it? The end of what I believe may well become a classic will end in Harry Potter lived happily ever after? I would be sorely dissappointed with J.K.R if she simply let it at that. They will probably die at the same time, maybe Harry dying a little after, so he can die happy, you know, seeing LV dead and all.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 7 December 2005 3:03:14pm

I must admit Barny, bit of a boring theory that Harry lives. I'm with Asphodel on that I think it would be better if he dies. But on the same token, I think JKR has always tried to tell us that good can overcome evil so maybe you might be right. Sorry if this isn't making sense - haven't been on here for a while!
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Postby b.scheller » Wednesday 7 December 2005 6:38:02pm

I believe, that unforutnately if both Voldemort and Harry dies, then closure is created. There can't be more stories written about him, by her or others. After all the book is called Harry Potter for a reason.
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 8 December 2005 5:31:20am

She doesn't want to write more stories about him. She wants 7 (8 if she writes an HP encyclopedia) and only 7(8).
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Postby b.scheller » Thursday 8 December 2005 5:38:50am

I mean the greatest authors have killed off their star characters in the strangest of ways. For example Agatha Christie killed of Poirot in an uncanny un-poirot kind of way, as did Arthur Conan Doyle with Sherlock Holmes.
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Postby Asphodel » Thursday 8 December 2005 5:41:04am

Yeah, some (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to be specific) just kill them off because they want people to stop paying attention to there less serious work. And then they bring them back... 'cause they want to make more... huh...
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 8 December 2005 5:52:43pm

b.scheller wrote:After all the book is called Harry Potter for a reason.

Yeah I used to think this but I just don't know any more. She's now killed off Sirius and DD who we thought she would never kill at the time but she did.

JKR knows she has some hardy fans out there, I don't think she would want to disappoint.
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Postby Asphodel » Friday 9 December 2005 3:15:09am

Moneywise: J.K.R's dumb to kill off Harry.. unless he has some relative that takes after him.

Bookwise: Killing Harry would be the amazing twist that'll make this book a book-buster (sorry... I'm in a corny joke mood... get it? Corny 'cause I'm eating corn? Oh never mind...)

Conclusion: If J.K.R kills Harry, the book will "live" longer and her family will make more money in the long-run. If she doesn't kill him and makes more books, she'll make more money in the short run.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 9 December 2005 1:53:10pm

Oh dear on the corn!! :oops: :oops:

But that aside, that's the most compelling argument I've heard to keep Harry alive. After all let's think 10 years from now, why would people pick up the books to read if they already knew Harry was going to die!

I can't believe she will write more books apart from the encyclopaedia she was talking about. I think she's tired of the pressure of writing them to some extent but I don't think she would want to destroy future sales of the existing books.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 9 December 2005 5:03:44pm

I honestly think people need (in a psichological way) happy endings. I for one feel mostly uncomfortable with extremly sad endings. I don't want him to die. And plus think of all the children who read the books. I remember a story we had to read for class when I was about 10 or so. It was an extremly sad story in which the main charachter dies in the end in a tragical way. Undoubtably it had great literary value, but all the class was reluctant in making anything on the story... And I was very shocked after that. And I honestly don't want to ever read that story again.
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Postby pansyparkingson » Saturday 10 December 2005 8:16:02pm

Dumbledore isn't dead in my opinion cuz if you read the books you will see that there is a potion mention in every one and it is supposed to be impossible to make. It would keep dumbledore alive even against the worst curses. Snape made it and faked his death. And nobody saw his body i dont think. So the could of also had someone killed in dumbledores place using the polyjuice poition and bury him. The that would give harry the motive to kill Voldermort.!!! ya know!!!

PS the reason i won't mention the potion is cause u need to read the books!
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 10 December 2005 9:43:55pm

Um... but how would you explain Dumbledore surviving the fall? Anyway, J.K.R can kill off Harry, but she can still make lots of money. She just tells the media she's writing a totally new book, and BAM! in the words of AOL: You've got sales!
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