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Postby Nobby » Thursday 19 February 2004 5:16:55pm

hagrid can teach himself an ask other teachers for help if hes stuck
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Postby Ferrus » Thursday 19 February 2004 9:20:59pm

And anyway, Hagrid has done magic in PS and CoS, in PS it was "speeding up the boat" and in CoS he gave the pumkins some "extra help".
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Postby Nobby » Thursday 26 February 2004 11:00:57am

so obviously hagrid can do magic and will not learn it later in lifwe. it has to be someone else
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Postby Aberforth » Thursday 26 February 2004 12:05:48pm

Hagrid shows repeartedly that he can do magic, but technically speaking he isn't supposed to because he isn't a fully-qualified wizard and was expelled. He kept the core of his wand and put it into his umbrella and uses it only when he thinks he can risk it.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 26 February 2004 7:34:12pm

how'd he keep the core of it if it was snapped in half? not arguing or disagreeing, just wondering... :???:

I'm definately not saying Hagrid can't (is unable to) do magic... just wondering if he would have much finesse (sp?) since he only had 3 years of schooling instead of the standard 7, or even 5...
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 26 February 2004 7:43:05pm

I think that DD has been teaching him some things...
But maybe he isn't very good at it!
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Postby Amon Rê » Saturday 6 March 2004 5:03:56am

Sorry guys have to re-open this one :-) I've missed all the good ones...I like the idea of Petunia...what if it's something like she is a witch, but didn't make it into Hogwart. Rowling hasn't said anything about the other witchcraft and wizardry schools. Rowling just mentions the "three largest European schools of wizardry": Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons. What if Petunia went to one of the un-mentioned smaller schools and was so horrible at magic when compared to Lilly that she just shunned the community until now?!?
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Postby Amon Rê » Saturday 6 March 2004 5:11:38am

Sorry 'bout the two posts if anyone's watching...the second one is corrected! :-D
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Postby Paul » Saturday 6 March 2004 5:15:54am

No problem, it's easy to do. :) I've just deleted the first one to tidy things up. :-)
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 6 March 2004 4:28:21pm

I think it will be Petunia. She knew about the dementors from when James just happened to mention them more then 15 years eariler. They never said that she wasn't magical, heres a brain buster, she and Dumbledore are working together secretly, and no one knows about it expect for them. Not even Duddly or Uncle Vernon, or the other members of the Order. They never did say how she kept her house so clean :lol:. Maybe this is why Harry is safe in her house, remember Dumbledore hinted towards it, when he said "Where Lily's blood still runs"

The whole time she is acting to be horrible to Harry, just like Mrs. Figg
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Postby Violet » Saturday 6 March 2004 5:44:27pm

Maybe, but why would she have treated harry that badly if she really was a witch?
but then again i suppose she could have been jealous of Lily being a really good witch, while she just didnt have the ability?
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 6 March 2004 6:27:50pm

Well, Mrs Figg was horrible to Harry too and she turned out okay. Yes, possibly she just doesn't have Lily's talent, or she is acting with Dumbledore
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Postby Violet » Saturday 6 March 2004 6:54:57pm

Yeah but with Mrs Figg she couldnt be seen to be too nice to harry or else petunia and vernon wouldnt have let him go there, and she really needed to keep an eye on harry
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Postby highsorcerer » Saturday 6 March 2004 7:31:02pm

I would say that Hagrid could appeal his expulsion from Hogwarts now based on the new evidence he wasn't responsible for the COS episode. He might have some childlike glee over being to do it again, but he's already pointed out that he wasn't any great shakes at magic, and his areas of interest don't require magic spells (he's basically a biology / zoology professor).

However, the Order of the Phoenix isn't always about the rules and the law. Wouldn't it be interesting if the Order provided Hagrid with a new wand (or fixed his old one) and was secretly training him? It would be an interesting secret weapon; letting the DEs think he's just a big dumb half giant oaf then getting a surprise when he pulls out a wand and starts firing.
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 6 March 2004 9:23:57pm

And if the new Minister is in the order then maybe they will re-instate Hagrid and give him a new wand?
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