Now I will try to give all you H/Hr shippers the benefit of the doubt and not loose my temper
H/Hr, are you sure? i mean i can see why you would, traditional hero, heroine pairing, less fighting, Hermione's true concern for Harry in respect to Voldie throughout etc. etc.
But one word... "platonic" Take one example, when Krum asks Harry, just before Crouch appears from the forest if there is anything between them it is a definate 'No' on Harry's part.
So what about Hermione? The Kiss, yes I know all about that! But the thing Ifind intriguing is, what happened after Harry left? For all we know she kissed Ron good bye. Alas we shall never know. Perhaps she has mixed feelings. Maybe she'll go with one and suddeny realise that they're just great frineds, like brother and sister.
Whatever happens, I can see love triangles, squares, hexagons all over the place!
No-one had really mentioned Lavender or Paravati... what do you think?
In reguards to Luna I don't think she's there for a romantic reason, i can't see anyone likiung her in that way. But then what with Ron and Hermione's histroy we will have to wait and see.
Just one thing I need to have a quick
I ahte all these slash suggestions, like Harry/Draco they really get on my nerves! It's never going to happen!!!
Sorry bout that! Post me back!
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