Revelation in The Fourth Book???

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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 5:48:52am

Hrmmm, very interesting!

Who do you think would be appointed as a supervisor though? At first I thought Snape, but then Fudge didnt' seem to be too appreciative of him when Snape showed him the dark mark on his arm...
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 6:19:24am

Good point there; maybe the DADA teacher?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:22:51am

Well, presumably, it will be this DADA teachers first year at Hogwarts, so I really cant' see that happening...

I think that if there is a supervisor, he/she will be a different person... ie, not any of the teachers!
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:32:42am

ANd what if the supervisor is supposed to go undercover, and Fudge uses the DADA position for that.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:39:38am

I dont' think that Fudge has the authority to choose the teachers..

because, not that I remember it, he doesn'tahve the auth to fire DD either...tahtmust be done by the school's goveners, whom Lucious was prev one of!
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Postby Neo » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:44:07am

That's right, so probable they were going to talk to the goveners, and more likely is taht at least half suport DD.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:55:37am

Who was going to talk to the goveners? Fugde? But you said they?

*confused again* :(
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 15 May 2003 8:58:07am

Who was going to talk to the goveners? Fugde? But you said they?

*confused again* :(
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Postby Neo » Saturday 17 May 2003 6:30:29am

Both, Fudge and DD, to discuss the headmasters position.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 17 May 2003 8:04:08am

Okies, but why would DD go to the goveners to discuss his own position, and if fFudge wsa trying to use a teacher to go undercover, would it sorta negate it if DD went along to the meeting too???

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Postby Neo » Monday 19 May 2003 3:58:10pm

Well, Fudge surely will ask DD to be there when he talks to the goveners, so they can discuss if he is the best option for headmaster, since all the things that have happened.
And I didn't understand the teachers thing??? I mean if Fudge asks a teacher to spy DD, he would do it secretly, no?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 20 May 2003 5:12:11am

For some reason I thought that you meant that DD would go with Fudge to discuss an undercover supervisor for DD... which would sorta ruin the secrecy!!! But I've figured it out now!

I think that Fudge is more the kind of guy who wold go behind DD's back to talk to the goveners about his problems with DD, rather than have DD there while he was saying bad stuff about him. I know that he went off alittle at the endof the 4th, but I think that was because he was very angry, and maybe even a little frightened of the Voldie possibility!
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 20 May 2003 9:02:05pm

I believe that Fudge knows that the goveners will want to here DD after he have talk to them so there is no point on making it a secret, I think all of them have a meeting and decide what is best (I think that is how the resolve problems)

And Holly what if Fudge sends DD to look after DD (just kidding)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 21 May 2003 6:21:21am

Hehehe! That would be funny, wouldn't it!!! maybe he has an evil twin!!!

Anyways, I was thinking what we know about the goveners. they seem to suppost DD, unless threatened... like Lucious did in CoS... so maybe Fudge will go the same way...

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Postby Neo » Wednesday 21 May 2003 6:58:10pm

Yeah, it could be; but goveners were once threatened and then asked DD to return, so when Voldemort shows up they will ask him to return, no?
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