WHOLE cover of HBP released

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Postby thestral » Friday 24 June 2005 10:43:03am

mackeral. :grin:
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Friday 24 June 2005 1:31:32pm

I was thinking more along the lines of striped bass...
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Postby thestral » Sunday 26 June 2005 10:35:51am

no, mackeral is the smelliest of them all, very pungent. ugggghhh.
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Postby darkcloak » Monday 4 July 2005 10:14:56am

In terms of the placement of the ring on the spine we have previously had:

GoF and CoS = owls
PoA = padfoot
PS = dumbledore
OotP = phoenix feather
HBP = ring

Does anyone else notice that the ring is cracked with lightning that looks a little familiar?

To me the two hands look young (left) and old (right). As others above have suggested, perhaps DD will try to protect Harry using age-old magic, possibly that the Half-blood Prince Godric Griffindor left at Hogwarts to combat that which Slytherin left behind?
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