Snape's other two memories he didn't want Harry to see

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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Monday 29 March 2004 12:41:19am

Just thinking out loud here but are Lucius Malfoy and Snape of a similar age? It only occurred to me because Draco and Harry are the same age. Are Lucius, James and Snape all of the same age group? The reason I was thinking this is Lucius may have already been involved with LV, saw that Snape had a reason to hate James, hated James himself (don't know why) and thought of how he could get to him, 'i know, lets recruit Snape as a death eater'
If this is the case..............then I don't really know.
If someone knows what I am thinking please let me in on it too............

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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 29 March 2004 12:49:33am

I think Lucius is older than Snape. I think its something like, Snape was in 1st year and Lucius had just left Hogwarts.
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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Monday 29 March 2004 12:57:01am

I don't know if I'd say that Lucius is 7 years older than Sirius, Snape and James, just because when Lucius is quoted in the Daily Prophet it says he is 41. Now lets do the maths 41 minus 15(Draco's age) that makes him 26 at the time he was born. That sounds like a reasonable age for a first child to be born. If he was 7 years older than James et al. Then that makes James and Lily only 19 when Harry was born. That only gives them 12 months to defeat LV three times, get married and have Harry. (not necessarily in that order) Just doesn't sound plausible.
Maybe Lucius was on of Snape's Slytherin buddies that is mentioned??
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 3:05:16am

\"The Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter\", by Galadriel Waters, page 35 wrote:In an interview on, J.K.R. says she took Snape's name from a town. We also think it sounds a bit like "snipe" which is what he does to Harry with his mean attacks. The French version just calls him Professor "Rogue" (arrogant). In another interview with BBC Online, J.K.R. reveals that snape is either 35 or 36 years old [at the start of the series].

If Snape was 36 in the first book, and Lucius Malfoy was 41 in the OotP, they're the same age. If Snape was 35, Malfoy's a year older.

Mistress Sianna wrote:At least, it makes it rather unlikely that Snape is still working as a spy. I mean, just think about how dangerous it would have been for him if Voldemort gained access to his mind via Harry's eyes!

I don't know... since he is skilled in Occlumency, and since he was putting thoughts into the pensieve, I think it was as safe as it would have been regularly, like when he's actually doing the spy work...

Mistress Sianna wrote:It has never been mentioned that he's a pure-blood, but I think that's what is most likely. But wasn't he constantly wearing shabby clothes?

I kinda agree with you... remember, though, the Weasleys are pure-bloods and they're poor as dirt. And the shabby clothes could have more to do with his bad grooming habits than not being able to afford better. He's wearing grubby underpants, it's constantly mentioning that he's oily and greasy... sounds like the abuse and neglect I think he must have suffered as a child resulted in his lack of good grooming.

EWPZ wrote:Also, in Snape's memory,how come we didn't see Snape with any of his evil Slytherin buds? Sirius says he has some Slyth friends in OoTP. I wonder where they were.

You know, I kind of get the feeling that Snape wasn't just over-burdened with friends... that could possibly have some bearing on why he went over to the dark side... like, it's fairly common for evil dictators to "befriend" the friendless, make them feel accepted, and use them the whole time... I don't think it's the only reason he would have become a Death Eater, but maybe it made him more vulnerable to being persuaded, since he didn't seem to have anyone who really cared about him.

Something Hagrid says in PoA in the Three Broomsticks: once you cross over, nothing or nobody matters anymore. So even Snape's "friends" most likely wouldn't have his back if it meant doing something Voldemort would be against.

hbic3 wrote:Since, in his memory, Snape was powerless against James Potter, that, I took to be the reason why Snape crossed. Not because he came from a evil dark family. He just wanted to get even with James, and needed more power.

Could very well be a reason, just keep in mind that Snape was very very interested in Dark Arts before he even went to Hogwarts. I think it more likely he considered that a nice benefit.
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Postby pandora315 » Thursday 1 April 2004 3:21:33pm

I think Snape is evil and that he never reformed. BUT....For everyone else I think that if Snape was trying to teach Harry he did his best but he has to be exceptionally careful about the things he says and does. I mean he probably has the pensieve to remove thought of DD and Harry and anything else that might incriminate him as a spy when he's around VOldy. It would be very easy to slip up and forget somthing, and something dealing with helping Harry Potter would definatly cause trouble between him and Voldy. I thought that was the reason he says "Do not intererupt mean in such a ferocious way" I mean it could just be his hatred, but that phrase stuck out to me for some reason and that (the above) is what I put it down to.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Thursday 1 April 2004 4:34:21pm

I don't think Snape will end up being evil, Snape just has a burning, flaming, passionate hatred for Harry and James.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 1 April 2004 6:42:14pm

Yeah, I feel the same way... and I think that there are thoughts he needs to hide from Harry for safety's sake, the Order's sake, and obviously his pride's sake.
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