Do spells wear off?

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Postby Hermione » Sunday 11 May 2003 6:04:34pm

I thought Finitum Incantatem was just a spell to reveal the last spells someone's wand performed . . .
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 11 May 2003 10:31:24pm

no....thats priori idea what finitum incantatem is...where does it appear in the books??
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 12 May 2003 1:58:07am

Snape used the Finite Incantatum spell in CoS when everyone got out of hand at the deuling club. It stopped all of the magic that was going on around him.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 12 May 2003 3:29:40am

yeah, i think that finite incantem is a general counter magic that cures minor curses and charms
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Postby Neo » Monday 12 May 2003 4:42:59am

It seems so, maybe a powerful wizard can use it with powerful charms also.

And priori incantatem isn't used to see the last spell a wand performed. This spell is called "Priori incatato". (which is the latin difference I don't know.
Priori Incantatem is when two brother wands (wands that share the core, in this case DD phoenix, Fawkes) make a spell toward each other, then one of the wands starts to "throw out" in shadow form the spells that has done in a reverse way (that's why it is called the reverse spell). (I hope I made myself clear)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 12 May 2003 1:38:13pm

I understand you!!! And that is what I was thinking too, Priori Incantatem is when the cores are specifically from the same creature! *was going to say animal, but are Veela animals???*
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 12 May 2003 9:37:54pm

Probably part. I'm pretty sure that they're listed in Fantastic Beasts.
Oh, and the Latin difference between the two spells/effects is that 'Prior Incantato' is litterally translated as 'I enchant/bewitch the former,' making the word 'Incantato' in the verb form. The 'Priori Incantatem' Effect comes from the same latin roots but it translated as 'The Former Enchantment,' the word 'Incantatem' being in the noun form. Yay for Latin!
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 12 May 2003 9:55:45pm

yes...'priori incantatem' is the name for what the spell does, 'prior incantato' is the actual spell

priori incantatem is not just what happens when two brother wands meet.....just that when two brother wands meet the effect they create happens to be priori incantatem. But priori incantatem can be achieved by using a spell too.
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 13 May 2003 6:23:26am

But then priori incantato, and priori incantatem isn't the same, right?
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 13 May 2003 9:57:19am

yeah they is the spel, the other is the description of the spell
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 13 May 2003 9:58:32am

oops...i cant spell today...

i also notice that the spell is infact prior incantato and not priori incantato.....just thought id point that out....
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 13 May 2003 3:24:18pm

So this is what I'm understanding... please tell me if I'm wrong...

priori incantato is the spell which causes the effect, named priori incantatem. But this effect can also be brought about without the spell, which happens when two brother wands are used agaist eachother...

yes, no, maybe so??
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 13 May 2003 4:34:34pm

yes...but the spell is prior incantato....everyone adds an extra i
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Postby Holly Golightly » Tuesday 13 May 2003 4:39:47pm

whoops, my bad... :oops:

Hrmm, actually no... I thnk it was Neo's bad... I just cut and pasted!!!
tee-hee-hee! :lol:
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 14 May 2003 4:36:57am

Ok, my bad.

But I don't think it is the same, priori incantatem can aslo happen between two wands with the brother cores. And prior incantato can be made to any wand by any wand.
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