For Those Of Us Still In Denial Over Dumbledore

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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 10 October 2005 1:26:46pm

Well if he's going for the power, and if his intentions are to become the next dark lord, he'll won't be giving his life for Draco or for anyone else. More likely he will try to make Draco a servent or something like that.
And I don't really recall Snape showing any sympathie for anyone. Not even Draco. So why would he be doing anything like that. As for giving his life for Harry that would be more of a way to recieve forgiveness for killing Dumbledore... It would be for him. Whom I believe he, if not liked, then at least respected or something... (I'm kinda missing the word now)
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Postby nikki000 » Monday 10 October 2005 4:47:09pm

OOOOOOOOR: Draco will save Harry. I do not know.... I somehow expect that there will be a 'Everybody no matter how Evil can Turn Good' kind of message at the end. It cannot simply be that Harry wins in the end and they all live happily ever after.

As long as Dumbledore somehow returns.... (although had it been any other book or any other character I would have mocked the whole 'Return from the Dead' thing which reminds me a bit of soap operas, e.g. 'Dirty Den' for those of you familiar with British Soaps. - But seeing that it is DD..... :-))
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Postby nikki000 » Monday 10 October 2005 4:49:44pm

SunsetG|rl wrote:And I don't really recall Snape showing any sympathie for anyone.

Well, I am not saying it was out of sympathy but he did sort of save Harry in the first (?) book during Quidditch....
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 11 October 2005 5:00:45am

Yes well that just shows how much he hated Harry's father and couldn't stand his memory haunting him.

And I very much doubt that would be the moraL, I think it'll be somethign more along the lines of:

Everybody deserves a second chance, but if they scr*w it up to hell with them
That's a more Dumbeldoreish reply.
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Postby Bextra » Tuesday 11 October 2005 9:39:40am

Thats not a Dumbledore-ish reply, he was a kind old man that was patient and calm.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 12 October 2005 4:06:10am

Obviously he wouldn't have sworn, but the first half is fairly accurate.
There are only so many chances you can give people, and I for one believe that DD believed everyone could change and that they deserved a second chance.

But there's always a time when patience runs out.
He's not gonna go and give Voldemort another chance, is he?
Yet he did Snape.
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Postby Dawn The Tawny » Friday 14 October 2005 2:43:31pm

I find this whole Snape thing so confusing! I just wish we knew what was going on. I'm so impatient and I can't wait to find out why DD trusted Snape. I just hope it's not really lame!
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Postby Arun » Saturday 15 October 2005 12:58:03am

Anyway, wasn't the horcrux so evil that it wasn't mentioned in the Hogwarts library?
I don't know about you, but I do not think AT ALL that Dumbledore was even slightly evil.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 15 October 2005 9:03:33am

Yes I agree, as I said it's an insult to his memory.
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Postby Aberforth » Monday 17 October 2005 9:43:34am

The chocolate frog card doesn't say DD killed grindlewald, just defeated him (although JKR has said grindlewald is currently deceased - hp lexicon). So DD may not have had to use the killing curse at all.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 18 October 2005 4:14:49am

Avada Kedavra is the killing curse obviously... The only spell that can't be blocked.

But there's never been anything said that it was the only killing curse. There are probably many different spells that can cause fatalities, maybe they can be blocked though. Avada Kedavra just has a very evil label put on it.

And of course you're right, it just said he was defeated, not killed.
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Monday 31 October 2005 3:55:45pm

i don't know i always thought that was the only one, because surely it would be an unforgivable curse and there are only three...
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 31 October 2005 7:27:30pm

I wonder if sectum sempra could kill?
What do you think? It seemed pretty powerfull...
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Postby Arun » Monday 31 October 2005 7:51:18pm

SunsetG|rl wrote:I wonder if sectum sempra could kill?
What do you think? It seemed pretty powerfull...

That's true.

What is someone used that and just let them bleed to death?

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Postby Tanuki » Monday 31 October 2005 11:07:28pm

I think teh whole point is to let them bleed to death. However, I think it can be blocked, as opposed to AK which appears to be mostly unblockable by magic
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