Who will stike the final blow ??

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Postby .:.Lily.:. » Tuesday 19 June 2007 4:15:04am

I too don't want to see Harry kill anyone and break apart his soul but at the same time, the prophecy says "...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives."

This means that Harry has to be the one that strikes the final blow, because LV has to die "at the hand of the other" But maybe LV does corner him, get the upper hand, maybe Neville will be able to draw LV away, cast a spell at him, do something to give Harry that last moment to cast the killing curse?
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Postby Run Away!!! » Wednesday 20 June 2007 2:23:06am

I don't know.. I don't really want to see Neville take away all of Harry's glory... If you can call it that :-?
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Friday 20 July 2007 9:19:19pm

I hope Neville has his day but on the Lestranges. I have this funny feeling that's just popped in my head tonight that maybe the book will end with HP defeating LV with something non-magical. maybe a good fist fight!! Sorry that probably comes across as a jokey but something just tells me that it's going to be something like that

Or perhaps the DE's will abandon LV at the last but Harry will have all his friends around him and that will give him an inner strength to finish what he's started.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 20 July 2007 10:17:20pm

Nah. I'll bet that harry kills him with Godric Gryffindor's Sword which I think might be a horcux.
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Postby Simatra » Friday 20 July 2007 10:19:55pm

What? Why? That's in DD office, and plus if it WAS a Horcux it'll have to be destroyed!
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Friday 20 July 2007 10:31:08pm

Well, the ring was still there and it was a destroyed horcrux.
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