I found a link somewhere to an interview last week done with JKR on this website. Im sure most of you have seen it, its quite long, with alot of questions answered.
I just read it tonight, and I am rethinking some of my theories over, especially after reading this bit here;
"MA: Does the gleam of triumph still have yet to make an appearance?
JKR: That's still enormously significant. And let's face it, I haven’t told you that much is enormously significant, so you can let your imaginations run free there.
ES: I think everybody realized it was significant when they read it but we didn’t see it materialize in 5 or 6.
JKR: Well, it still is.
ES:We’ve been kind of waiting for the big revelation.
JKR: Absolutely, that's for seven. That's for seven."
I am sure she is meaning the part in GoF where Harry comes back after witnessing the rise of Voldemort. Harry tells DD that Voldemort can now 'touch him', and Harry notices a Gleam of Triumph in DD's eyes.
I always thought this was significant, but after a while (years in fact), the importance of it seemed to die down for me, I just put it down as a misinterpretation of DD by Harry.
Does DD think its a good thing that Voldemort can now touch Harry? Why?
If this part is so important, I think DD will play a
major part in the 7th book, be he alive or dead.
Though, one thing is for sure, after reading that interview, I am more confused than I was before.
Oh, and if you haven't read the interview, do it, as its a good read. - Heres the link