by Athena Appleton » Wednesday 28 July 2004 8:00:01am
I do agree with you on that, Nightcrawler. It does seem odd that in a story that focuses as much as this one does in personal choices, it seems odd that all Slytherins are all bad. I mean, in the other houses, there are people who are not people we like (Percy in Gryffindor, Cho in Ravenclaw...) but it does seem as though there should be one student who has the basic Slytherin instincts (ambitious, resourceful) but who is appalled by the horrible behavior of Malfoy and Co. I feel sure that there will be one such student in book 6 or 7, or both.
As far as Sirius being in Gryffindor... well, I can understand why she did that, but I agree that it would have been nice to have him be the decent Slytherin. However, it would have caused some logistical problems, seeing as two students of different houses would have a most difficult time being "inseperable". Yes, they could be very good friends, but only two students in the same house could truly be inseperable, given the way the houses are in Hogwarts. If Sirius were in Slytherin, it would have been difficult to have him be best friends with a student in Gryffindor, and especially for the one to never be seen without the other. And James clearly couldn't be in Slytherin. So Sirius was in Gryffindor by default, I think. However, I wonder if she did toy with the idea of having Sirius in Slytherin. After all, in the beginning, it's said that there wasn't a dark wizard around who wasn't in Slytherin, and it seems odd that Sirius, argueably (sp?) the most famous "dark" wizard alive (or so everyone believes at that point), wasn't in Slytherin, but was in Gryffindor.