Athena Appleton wrote:Paintball:

well, I probably wouldn't take it that far, but I like what you had to say

Thank you very much, I can come up with a pretty out there theory too!!

And no your not wrong
But, going by what you said, there would be no mythology, in fact you were putting a squishy, what ever that is, on any mythological theories. When mythology is present in almost all aspects of the story, I shall post a comprehensive list of every mythological referance in the series at a later time, and you will see that mythology is in the series.
And obviously she isn't going to be following myths to the letter, but wait, the Romulus and Remus myth, which you proclamed to be bogus, might not be. In the myth it never said Remus was a werewolf. So she isn't following the myth, so there is a possibility there could be a brother, or past brother named Romulus. There might not, but there is a possibility.