A sqishy on myth storylines

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Postby paintballdecoy » Thursday 10 June 2004 1:42:30am

Maybe, but I might revolve a myth around the history of Athens next... :lol: :lol:
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Friday 11 June 2004 4:57:28pm

Athena- Yes I said that in my first post then I corrected myself and said mythilogical influences okay
Paintballdecoy-yes I do think your`s was a bit obvious which was kinda the point of the post before your first on this thread :roll:
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 11 June 2004 5:56:06pm

Oh, my bad... I always thought that "correcting yourself" is something different from saying that you never said something in the first place.

Clearly, I was wrong.
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 12 June 2004 5:08:41am

Athena Appleton wrote:Paintball: :lol: well, I probably wouldn't take it that far, but I like what you had to say :grin:

Thank you very much, I can come up with a pretty out there theory too!! :lol: And no your not wrong

But, going by what you said, there would be no mythology, in fact you were putting a squishy, what ever that is, on any mythological theories. When mythology is present in almost all aspects of the story, I shall post a comprehensive list of every mythological referance in the series at a later time, and you will see that mythology is in the series.

And obviously she isn't going to be following myths to the letter, but wait, the Romulus and Remus myth, which you proclamed to be bogus, might not be. In the myth it never said Remus was a werewolf. So she isn't following the myth, so there is a possibility there could be a brother, or past brother named Romulus. There might not, but there is a possibility.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 12 June 2004 4:33:14pm

Well, actually, she did say quite clearly that there is no Romulus (or other brother of Lupin's).

But I still hold that if Lupin is killed as a result of something Wormtail does, then the story is still following the myth (that Wormtail, as one of the Marauders, was a "brother" to Lupin, so Remus is killed by his "brother")...
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Postby paintballdecoy » Saturday 12 June 2004 6:04:52pm

I know she said that, but I was just stating a point. They were refered to as brothers (James, Sirius, Lupin, and Wormtail) often, so it would make sence for wormtail to kill Lupin, not to mention his silver hand....
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Sunday 13 June 2004 9:00:56am

Under proffesor Lupin has a twin on the site if you click you will see she talks a bit about this subject, not a lot just a hint of something. What I mean to say is that why would she talk about a storyline that would have such a major impact on the books? Surely she would just give us a quick answer to keep us away from this line of enquiry

Athena-let it go, I didn`t say I never said that in the first place I said I then corrected myself but I could probably have phrased this a bit better...my bad
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Postby paintballdecoy » Sunday 13 June 2004 3:11:10pm

Yeah, but it doesn't say he doesn't have a brother. It is very possible to have a brother who isn't a twin, so in fact, he could have a brother.
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Monday 14 June 2004 5:13:03pm

she would just give us a quick answer to keep us away from this line of enquiry
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 14 June 2004 5:35:58pm

From what I've gathered from chats, interviews, and the like, Rowling really seems to enjoy her fans asking questions and trying to solve her mysteries. Therefore, I really don't think she would just give a quick, vague answer to keep people from asking questions. If that's what you're talking about, at all...
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Postby paintballdecoy » Monday 14 June 2004 10:05:35pm

I would have to side with Athena here, well...becuase she is right, JKR wouldn't give away something like that to stop our questioning it, there no way. Becuase I am pretty sure she enjoys our making of thoeries.
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Tuesday 15 June 2004 3:46:09pm

Look Athena if you`re just going to insult and belittle me then just bu***r off
mods she provoked me with this and previous posts.

Paintball-I didn`t know that so thats my post gone :(
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 15 June 2004 4:50:03pm

I apologize for the comment about your post being pointless.
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Postby paintballdecoy » Tuesday 15 June 2004 4:55:31pm

I am stopping this before it turns into a fight, becuase if very well could. Thanks!!

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