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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 2 April 2004 9:49:06pm

yeah, I mean, we don't know how long dragons take to reach their full growth, but we know that in a matter of weeks, Norbert grew from a tiny baby dragon to a pretty huge dragon... so I would imagine after five years, he'd be full-grown, or close to it.
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Postby Alice I » Friday 2 April 2004 9:57:34pm

Ferrus wrote: :lol: :lol: It would be wierd! But it´s a possiblility that we might see Norbert again, although Grawp is a more pressing matter, I wonder what happened to him in the end...

I'll bet we see him in the next book and he will be able to speak rudimentary english. I think that Gwarp will lead a few of the remaining giants to the side of the wizards.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 2 April 2004 10:11:42pm

but the giants were wanting to kill grawp, cuz he was so "small"...
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Postby Alice I » Friday 2 April 2004 10:13:55pm

True enough; but things change with time. If a new Gurg shows up and is symopathetic to the wizards Gwarp could be useful.
I just don't think that JKR is done with him yet.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 2 April 2004 10:18:20pm

oh i don't either... just don't think Grawp will be rallying the giants... *shrug* If Hagrid and Maxime couldn't do it, I don't think Grawp will... after all, he's "on'y a baby" :grin:

But I do think he'll have a bigger role...
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Postby Nobby » Friday 2 April 2004 10:22:31pm

jk has said that we will see grawp in the next book at that he is a little more controllable - so who knows!

As for Norbert coming back that would be cool! :grin: But surely he would be uncontrollable
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Saturday 3 April 2004 10:17:27pm

Yeah, I don't think we're done with Grawp.

Also, I think Hagrid will have a lot of influence in the Forbidden Forest next book, like befriending the centaurs somehow (that would be a miracle!) and leading the good creatures in the forest against Voldemort.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 5 April 2004 4:20:26pm

we will definately see grawp again! jk said in her world book day talk!
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Postby Amon Rê » Monday 5 April 2004 6:30:58pm

Referring to either the Hungarian Horntail or the Common Green either one of these could have been chosen at the odd moment because remember the Dragon's HAD to have a nest in order to protect, either of those theories could have worked, but it would depend on breeding time, you know the hemispheres and what not :-D Just thought I'd throw that in???
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 5 April 2004 9:40:44pm

too smart for me... :lol:

umm, you do realize, don't you, that we're discussing the mating rituals of imaginary animals? :grin:
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Postby Ferrus » Tuesday 6 April 2004 6:52:30pm

umm, you do realize, don't you, that we're discussing the mating rituals of imaginary animals?

Of course we are! But then: Do you realise the numbers of hours you spend typing about theories that only affect a totally imaginary world? :lol:

And back to the breeding rituals: I think that Amon has made an excellent point, the numbers of readily available nesting mother dragons cant be very large at any moment...
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