Lily's parents...were they squibs or wizards in disguise?

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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 1 April 2004 5:21:20pm

EWPZ wrote:Well, I don't think young witches or wizards are classified as such until that magical quill at hogwarts decides you are magical and get to come to school there.

According to "The Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries of Harry Potter" by Galadriel Waters, page 20, "According to a J.K.R. interview with Scholastic, whenever any wizard is born, their name is recorded in a master book by a magical quill. Upon their 11th birthday, they are sent their invitation to wizarding school. It is unclear as to whether all wizards get this invitation, and whether Hogwarts is the only British school for wizards (we know that it is the most prestigious)."

pandora wrote:People of pure blood decent marry only other pure bloods and seem to have alot of knowledge about families.

Purebloods don't always marry purebloods. Tonks's mom was a pureblood and married a muggle. People who are called "mudbloods" are either from two muggles or one magical one muggle. Also, in CoS, Filch's cat goes down with all the "mudbloods", so people who are hung up on purebloods don't hold squibs in much more esteem than muggles. When Snape calls Lily "mudblood", I think part of that was just him being embarrassed and angry and willing to lash out in any way he could, so "mudblood" was a dirty name to call her, and whether her parents were both muggles, both squibs, or a combination of magical/muggle, the name would have fit. I'm also not saying that I think it's common knowledge that Lily's parents (or one parent, possibly) are squibs. It's not common knowledge that Arabella Figg is a squib, but she is. So I don't think Snape would have known about it.

Jotomicron wrote:Now, he's not in the tapestry cause he seemed a good guy... obviously, the Black family would have taken out the Potters from the tapestry.

I think that this is a good arguement that not ALL pureblood families are interrelated. If the Potters belonged in the family anywhere, I think their names would have been blasted off, instead of just not put there... then again, Molly's name wasnt' ever there to begin with, but Sirius says she is related somehow... *shrug* mmkay, nevermind :grin:

pandora wrote:The way I saw it was that only underage wizards are restricted from doing magic but you are an of-age wizard at 17, and still at school. So Lily could easily have come home from school and tranfigured tea-cups into mice without breaking the underage wizard law

Yeah, if she got to be "of age" around the beginning of her sixth year, like Angelina, then she could have practiced magic at home for several holidays...

pandora wrote:...Statute of Secrecy because the SoS only applies to muggles not knowing about the magical world.

But Harry gets in trouble for breaking the Statute of Secrecy when he does magic around Dudley, who obviously knows about the magical world... hmmm... I guess it's one of those things I'm just not supposed to understand. :grin:
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Postby pandora315 » Saturday 3 April 2004 4:30:04pm

Yeah I just chalked that one up to the ministry wanting to make Harry look bad. Like from the ministrys point of view in a hearing it doesn't seem that bad if Harry just produced a patronus (to ward of dementors that weren't even there) alone, but it seem alot worse if he did it in front of a muggle.
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Postby Ferrus » Sunday 4 April 2004 11:32:39am

People who are called "mudbloods" are either from two muggles or one magical one muggle.

Aren´t people with one magical and one muggle parent called half-bloods? :???:

I'm also not saying that I think it's common knowledge that Lily's parents (or one parent, possibly) are squibs. It's not common knowledge that Arabella Figg is a squib, but she is.

I agree on that point, Squibs don´t go around with "I´m a Squib" written on their foreheads, and they aren´t easy to pick off, as far as I can see they can use magical things as long as its not "their" magic.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 4 April 2004 8:09:04pm

Aren´t people with one magical and one muggle parent called half-bloods? :???:

I think they're called "half-bloods" by people who have respect. Dumbledore uses the term "half-blood", as does Rowling in interviews. But I wouldn't imagine Malfoy bothering to call someone who isn't pureblood a "halfblood". I think "mudblood" is a common term for anyone with parentage that someone who is a pureblood wouldn't be proud of (muggle parents, half-blood, squibs as parents, etc)
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Wednesday 14 April 2004 1:56:42pm

wouldnt the ministry assume that it was that childs parents using the wand because after all harry used his own wand but an adults wand would be registered under an adult?
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