by Deedra Malfoy » Thursday 19 September 2002 12:13:08am
Well, I, for one, think Snape might die. JKR wouldn't do that to me, would she??
*crys hysterically*
*Sniff* I'm okay. I just thought that because Voldemort says, 'one, I believe, has left me forever.... He will die, of course,' JKR wouldn't follow through with that plot, would she? That would be a devistation to all Snape lovers world wide. Where is her HUMANITY!!!!!!
Besides, Alan Rickman would have to die in the movie if it's in the book. That part would be too important to leave out! SPARE ME!!!!!!!!!!
But personal risk, Life threatening, they go hand in hand. Don't they? get back to me on that.
*crys hysterically again*
Good bye, world. If Snape dies, so will I.
*faints, turns cold, dies, reincarnation takes place*
Did I miss anything?