The Godfather

A place to discuss your Harry Potter theories. Are there hidden secrets and conspiracies? What will happen in future plots? The truth may be in here!

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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

well...harry wouldn't be hungry any more....::shudders::
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Postby Luna_Puella » Tuesday 24 September 2002 8:57:11pm

I think that he will. I mean--Harry has such a hard time in almost everything he does--and she does give him occasional breaks. I think that at least in Six he'll get to live with Sirius. I love Sirius, just to say it--he's so cool! I wish I had a Godfather like that. I bet he was cute when he was younger too. ;) 'Snuffles'..hehe!
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Friday 27 September 2002 1:50:50am

yah...he is pretty cool
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Postby Hermione » Thursday 6 March 2003 4:02:09pm

Wait a minute . . . why does it say that everybody posted around December, 1969? *is confuddled*

confuddled is my new word. It's a mix between confused and befuddled. Isn't that clever? :lol:
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Postby Paul » Friday 7 March 2003 4:43:22am

It was a Time-Turner experiment :-) Near the midde of last year everyone here was given a Time Turner and turned it 11865 times (it took a bit of effort couting how many times the Turner had been turned - some people got a bit carried away and when they came out, the muggles hadn't even invented their tillyvision contraption). Most of us came out at the start of 1970 though, which is the reason for the unusual dates.

There's another version of the story that goes along the lines of "Well, it was a PHP programming issue when the board was upgraded in the middle of last year. Unfortunately a lot of boards reported similar problems as the upgrade itself was pretty horrendous. The entire upgrade itself took about 16 or 18 hours of non-stop work, with a whole load of manual tweaking of the database until it eventually got to work, but the dates of postings prior to the upgrade all defaulted to the same date. I'd considered trying to recover the dates at the time but with the problems I'd had getting the upgrade to work, I was slightly scared to change anything further and folks here said they weren't worried too much about the dates of the earlier posts really." ... that's the, err, official version of the story to hide the real reason :-)
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Postby Hermione » Friday 7 March 2003 2:15:22pm

Ahhh . . . why is it that everything here has an 'official' versus a 'real' reason? :lol:

Silly reasons. So confusing.
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