Half Blood Prince

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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 26 July 2004 6:56:13pm

JK Rowling's Webste wrote:The link I mentioned between books two and six does not in fact, relate to the 'Half Blood Prince' (because there is no trace left of the HBP storyline in 'Chambers'.) Rather, it relates to a discovery in "chambers" that forshadows something that he finds out in "Prince"
I am pretty convinced this definatly has something to do with the sorting hat and GG's good ole' sword. I dont know if this quote has been mentioned yet...but there you go.

Hey AngelicS. In regards to you really good questons, here are some of my opinions:
1. Does the Black tree show all the purebloods or just the ones in the Black family (which is most of the purebloods)?
2. Curious...very intresesting.

Well, I have somewhat replied on the other ones before in the 'Theories' forum, so I will leave it at that.
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Postby Alice I » Monday 26 July 2004 7:38:24pm

That's right Marcus.
This is a lot to type so I am a firm believer of Cut and Paste. This is exactly what Marcus pointed out just in a little more depth.
(Sorry hunny not trying to show you up or anything.)

JKR Web Site so JKR herself wrote:Is Tom Riddle the Half-Blood Prince?
Well, as Tom Riddle is the same person as Voldemort, and Voldemort is NOT the Half-Blood Prince… do I really need to answer this?

Why are some people in the wizarding world (e.g., Harry) called 'half-blood' even though both their parents were magical?
The expressions 'pure-blood', 'half-blood' and 'Muggle-born' have been coined by people to whom these distinctions matter, and express their originators' prejudices. As far as somebody like Lucius Malfoy is concerned, for instance, a Muggle-born is as 'bad' as a Muggle. Therefore Harry would be considered only 'half' wizard, because of his mother's grandparents.

If you think this is far-fetched, look at some of the real charts the Nazis used to show what constituted 'Aryan' or 'Jewish' blood. I saw one in the Holocaust Museum in Washington when I had already devised the 'pure-blood', 'half-blood' and 'Muggle-born' definitions, and was chilled to see that the Nazis used precisely the same warped logic as the Death Eaters. A single Jewish grandparent 'polluted' the blood, according to their propaganda.

Will Arthur Weasley be the new Minister for Magic?
Alas, no.

In what way is 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' related to 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets'?
I have been engulfed by an avalanche of questions on the subject of 'Prince' having once been a title of 'Chamber'. I am therefore attempting to answer most of them under this heading, which I think just about covers all the answerable variations (the unanswerable ones include questions such as 'who's the Half-Blood Prince?' 'what happens in the Half-Blood Prince?' and 'what does Half-Blood Prince mean?')

The plot of 'Prince' bears no resemblance whatsoever to the plot of 'Chamber', nor is it an off-cut of 'Chamber'. The story of 'Prince' takes off where 'Phoenix' ended and does not hark back to four years previously. True, mention is made to events that happened in 'Chamber,' but of course, mention is also made of events that happened in 'Stone', 'Azkaban', 'Goblet' and 'Phoenix'.

'The Half-Blood Prince' might be described as a strand of the overall plot. That strand could be used in a whole variety of ways and back in 1997 I considered weaving it into the story of 'Chamber'. It really didn't fit there, though; it was not part of the story of the basilisk and Riddle's diary, and before long I accepted that it would be better to do it justice in book six. I clung to the title for a while, even though all trace of the 'Prince' storyline had disappeared, because I liked it so much (yes, I really like this title!). I re-christened book two 'Chamber of Secrets' when I started the second draft.

The link I mentioned between books two and six does not, in fact, relate to the 'Half-Blood Prince' (because there is no trace left of the HBP storyline in 'Chamber'.) Rather, it relates to a discovery Harry made in 'Chamber' that foreshadows something that he finds out in 'Prince'.

Oh and one final note:
Will Arthur Weasley be the new Minister for Magic?
Alas, no.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 26 July 2004 8:29:24pm

Thanks for posting that stuff, Alice, I never saw that on JKR's site. But after reading that, I think a whole bunch of stuff about GG is going to come out in 6.

Will Arthur Weasley be the new Minister for Magic?
Alas, no.
Hah! I knew he wouldn't be. I'm for Madam Bones. :grin:
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 26 July 2004 8:29:59pm

JK Rowling wrote:Will Arthur Weasley be the new Minister for Magic?
Alas, no.

Yes, indeed this was quite a letdown for me as well. I would of been so happy for the Weasly family if Arthur because Minster of Magic. But then again, that would be quite a big promotion wouldnt it? what I am really looking foward iis to see Persey's failure. I mean, what will he do now??? He can't find a way out of the hole he dug...he has failed!!! Hehehe. Do you think Persey will come back to the famliy or try to find another excuse?
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Monday 26 July 2004 8:30:22pm

[quote="Marcus Baker']1. Does the Black tree show all the purebloods or just the ones in the Black family (which is most of the purebloods)?

Good question you know,we cannot know for sure but there's a text in OotP that makes me think that everypureblood is on the tree.

'The pure-blood families are all interrelated,'said Sirius.

So,they're all part of Black family,they're all conected to Black family,Malfoy's,Lestrange's....That's how I see it.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Monday 26 July 2004 8:36:15pm

Will Arthur Weasley be the new Minister for Magic?
Alas, no.

I never thought that Arthur will be nex MfM.I mean I love the guy,but he's like Marcus said,too small for that.It would be a very big promotion. And I can't picture him as MfM,it's a dirty work,I haven't got some nice opinion of ppl that became or wanted to became MfM.
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Monday 26 July 2004 9:26:47pm

If arthurs not, who is?

im thinking either perkins or lucius (somehow) that would bite so much.

maybe lupin! he he that would be cool.
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Postby AngelicS_89 » Monday 26 July 2004 9:46:02pm

I was just wondering around JKR's sites looking for that 'secrets' (BTW,off topic,how many that secrets have you found,I've found three,and can you get behind the "Don't disturb" door?) and maybe found another clue in F.A.Q.

Q:In 'Chamber of Secrets', what would have happened if Ginny had died and Tom Riddle had escaped the diary?

A:I can’t answer that fully until all seven books are finished, but it would have strengthened the present-day Voldemort considerably.

So she avoided the answer,maybe it has to do something with HBP,and we can find that out only if we think,what would happen...Actually I can't really imagine why she avoids the answer???
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Postby Marcus Baker » Monday 26 July 2004 10:53:43pm

AngelicS_89 wrote:So she avoided the answer,maybe it has to do something with HBP,and we can find that out only if we think,what would happen...Actually I can't really imagine why she avoids the answer???

Same here, I really never thought of that before until I read the question. I mean, maybe Voldemort would be strengthened, I just dont understand how. I mean, hes just a memory. I guess we will just have to wait and find out.
AngelicS_89 wrote:
'The pure-blood families are all interrelated,'said Sirius.
So,they're all part of Black family,they're all conected to Black family,Malfoy's,Lestrange's....That's how I see it.

Yea, you are probally right.
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Postby Centaur Lord » Tuesday 27 July 2004 12:19:36am

Sorry, im kind of changing subjects here, but its still on topic...JKR says that something Harry finds out will be important in book 6. Now, he doesnt necessaryliy FIND OUT anything about the sword, just that it belonged to Godric Gryffindor. Now that i have read this, i think the important fact from book 2 is that Harry finds out he is a parselmouth. That is the only real major discovery i can think of that JKR downright tells us in the 2nd book.
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 27 July 2004 8:07:13pm

hmm parselmouth and sword that belonged to Gryffindor.

I think parselmouth fact doesn't tell us much in terms of "roalty" (if it would that would mean that Vold. is prince and we know he is not), but the sword belonging to G.Gryffindor would I guess mean that Gryffindor was a prince...
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 27 July 2004 8:51:48pm

This sounds a lot like The Once and Future King with King Arthur: The sword and the stone is like the sword and the the sword in the sorting hat :lol:
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Postby TDM » Tuesday 27 July 2004 9:38:39pm

Deedra Malfoy wrote:If arthurs not, who is?

im thinking either perkins or lucius (somehow) that would bite so much.

maybe lupin! he he that would be cool.

Perkins is just as small as Arthur is. Lupin is distrusted because he is a werewolf. Lucius has been thrown into Azkaban, if my memory serves me right. My vote for the next MoM...I honestly think that Fudge will remain as the MoM. He will correct his mistake, and the people will keep him simply because there is no one else that could get the job done (besides Dumbledore).
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Tuesday 27 July 2004 9:48:27pm

Okay, TDM, you win. I'll back off a bit.
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Postby Lone_Buck » Tuesday 27 July 2004 10:58:00pm

JKR said that there would be a new minister. I think that it may be one of the Order. Moody is a possibility. They need action, and that's what Moodys all about, and he'd listen to DD. Maybe it will be Kingsley, is he the member that died. I always mix him up with the one who stunned fudge, umbridge, McGonnagal and whoever when DD left.
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