The $45,000 Clue

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The $45,000 Clue

Postby Broken Machine » Thursday 22 May 2003 1:17:39am

It was reported that a man had purchased a card of somewhere between 40 to 45 clues about the OOTP for I think it was $45,000 and on that card three things were mentioned publicly. Ron, Sacked, and Broom. The questions are limitless with just these three clues coming from a book that must have upwards of a thousand words in it. But just for the sake of maybe starting something fresh let's ponder on what these words could mean. In my wildest imagination I think that this time around Hermione and Harry will have to go at the forces of evil alone possibly due to Ron being kidnapped. I would assume it could be Hermione but since the boys figured out the last mystery with very little help from Hermione other then the clue she was petrified with I doubt they would attempt to kidnap her again. Now I'm just assuming kidnapped because the word sacked is involved and I'm a crazed maniac that will want the story to go to the extremes. Now another one of my reasons for placing Ron in harms way is because despite their somewhat limited role in GOF I think the Death Eaters will have it in for the Weasely's due to their involvment with the ministry as well as showing no fear in the face of enemies such as the Malfoy's. I must be rambling and who knows maybe Harry comes back from quiditch practice one day and is completely sacked and sleeps for days. Just hoping for the worst case scenario for the champ and his pals to find there way out of.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 22 May 2003 4:58:29am

What if 'sacked' is to mean DD or one of the other teachers gets fired???
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Postby Broken Machine » Thursday 22 May 2003 5:13:23am

That could also be a good use for the word. Just for fun though who do you think would get sacked. It could be that with Snapes possible abscence some of the classmates assume he's been sacked. Or maybe Mad Eye Moody comes to Hogwarts for real this time but is so lousy he's fired. Like I said there could be a hundred different reasons but I sure know I wouldn't pay $45 grand just to see what could be the possible plot in the OOTP.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 22 May 2003 6:30:25am

I certainly wouldnt, not just for the plot! I want the whole book,with all the interesting details!!!

Maybe Fudge gets sacked...I though of that after I posted the other one... because I cant' see DD getting sacked again... *not that he really did the first time, just temp replaced* but still, its' along the same lines... or maybeit's Mr Weasley, by Fudge, becuase Fudge catches him trying to undermind his authority...

yeah, hows ya liking that one!!!! :grin:
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Postby Broken Machine » Thursday 22 May 2003 3:03:59pm

I can't see Fudge getting sacked just yet. The man has a secret that needs to be revealed. He may be head of the ministry but he's still got some kind of hidden bad streak that hasn't been revealed.
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Postby Neo » Saturday 24 May 2003 4:41:49am

I think that the sacked person most be either DD or Arthur (I really think it is more certain to be Arthur)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 24 May 2003 6:03:06am

yeah, I like the idea of that it might be Mr Weasley... not that I want it to ahppen, just that I think that it would make a good plot!

What would happen to the Weasleys money-wise if he did... After all, he makes the only source of income, and they are very poor...

(have always wondered this... why dont' they just magic up everything that they need...>? and if DD wanted to pay Dobby the house elf 10 galleons a week, shouldnt' Mr Weasley get alot more than that???)
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Postby Neo » Monday 26 May 2003 2:54:28am

Then 10 galleons a week isn't very much really, just than for a house elf, yes.
And what things could they do with magic to improve their life; I mean they cant' get books out of nowhere.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Monday 26 May 2003 3:08:19am

Holly Golightly wrote:why dont' they just magic up everything that they need...?

That has been bugging me for a long time, too. And I honestly can't think of a reason why they couldn't. Maybe they'd feel immoral or like they were cheating at life, I guess. It just seems like an obvious thing to do if you're a wizard!
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Postby Neo » Monday 26 May 2003 3:45:23am

I can't think of anything they could obtain with magic, that they do not obtain it already.
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Postby Broken Machine » Monday 26 May 2003 6:14:42am

Well you have to consider that Arthur Weasly works for the ministry of magic and if I'm not mistaken Percy Weasly works for Cornelius Fudge now. Not to mention that his other two sons Charlie and Bill (???) also have some pretty interesting jobs. I think it would be to much of a hassle for them to fire Arthur Weasly. Your absolutly right about the Weasly family making teir way through life with magic as an alternative. It reminds me of when Hagrid put a spell on his garden and all his vegtables were huge. With a big family like the Weasly's it would only be rational to add a little magic to food. As for books and clothes...well, maybe they just try and get them on Ebay.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 26 May 2003 7:07:35am

Okies, I agree with books, but you should be able to maigc up clothes, food, new robes, all kinds of basic necessitiys.... home improvements, cars, etc etc??? And what else do they have to spend money on anyways??? Visits to Romania??? :)

About Bill, Charlie and Percy's jobs... I kinda forgot about those!!! :oops: My bad!!!

Also Neo, about the money amounts... when Harry went to Gringots with the Weasleys in Cos, it said that the Weasley's vault had a very small pile of silver sickles, and only one gold galleon... :(
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Postby Neo » Sunday 1 June 2003 5:19:09am

Well, I'm sure Weasleys do not have all their money in the vault; only what they can save, no?

And it seems that in the Burrow food is not a problem, but for example robes were a problem for Lupin too.
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Postby MikeT » Sunday 1 June 2003 2:53:12pm

I think they could put spells onto food and make it bigger. But, I don't think they could conjure up something otherwise, what would be the point of the money?

Another thing is that, If you conjured it, it would have to come from somewhere, They couldn't just make a Firebolt, they'd have to take it from someone and that would be stealing. Maybes the Ministry has a rule that we don't know about!
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 1 June 2003 6:03:24pm

well maybe they have copyrights on certain objects so like the spell wouldnt work properly for transfiguring your tortoise into a firebolt and you'd end up with a normal broom or something...

or maybe the spell isnt good enough to make something as complex as a firebolt perfectly.....or maybe the spell wear off after a while so youd be happily doing your wronski feint when the firebolt turns back into a tortoise and you go splat

its maybe like getting a bootleg copy of a dvd...your transfiguration spell makes the object appear to be the object but on closer inspection it wouldnt be perfect...not taste right or not go fast enough etc....
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