by Mrs. Luca Black » Friday 12 August 2005 2:11:22am
This is such a cute idea! Kudos for coming up with it!
I can so see Dobby out there kicking some serious Death Eater rump, tailing Draco from time to time just to ensure that he's thoroughly miserable(who deserves to do this more than Dobby because you know Draco did everything he could to keep Dobby miserable, probably even more so than his parents), and just otherwise mucking things up for the Death Eaters and being all sneaky and out-of-the-way about it because that's the mark of a good house elf.
I imagine that most house elves would never dare dream of harming a human. For whatever reason the entire race is bound to serve humans, and I doubt there are too many like Dobby that would be willing to shake off their shackles and go against any humans. If someone were to order their house elf to fight in the war, then it would happen, but that's just not how things work in the wizarding world. I imagine it would be frightening to them because there's the chance that it might bring out a bloodlust in house elves that's been repressed for centuries. (Hey, all other small, humanoid things seem to be at least be cranky if not completely evil.) Having house elves battling might be a bit too remniscent of the gobling rebellions, which, I believe, were incredibly bloody. The idea of forcing your elf too fight is not too far fetched though, slave owners forced their slaves to fight in the Civil War.
So, it is possible for the elves to fight, but not likely that it will be on their own accord. But your right, they certainly seem to have the ability to do real damage, even if they don't have the will.