A war in the making?

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A war in the making?

Postby Dumbledores Master » Wednesday 14 April 2004 1:41:59pm

Could Voldemorts army be planning an assault on hogwarts itself in the 7th book? I dont think it is just a coincedence that Dumbledore tried to get the giants on his side and that he has allowed the Acromantula colony to thrive
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Postby Groo » Wednesday 14 April 2004 7:39:47pm

that all depends on how strong his army has become by the end of teh 6th book, and who has died and survived :)

personally i doubt this as Voldemort was afraid to attack Hogwarts last time when he was at his peak, and this time since Hogwarts is forewarned, it would be tougher.
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Postby Moonstone » Thursday 15 April 2004 10:08:39am

Uhu.. but think if he uses Dementors... then what??
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Thursday 15 April 2004 11:41:48am

remember trelawneys prediction

He will come back greater and more terrible than before

stick that in your pipe and smoke on it
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Postby Moonstone » Thursday 15 April 2004 11:43:07am

Oh No!!!
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Thursday 15 April 2004 11:45:48am

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Postby Moonstone » Thursday 15 April 2004 12:02:31pm

You are not nice :razz: .. Poor HP *sniff*
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Postby choki » Thursday 15 April 2004 5:01:28pm

Erm...refrain yourselves from posting single line replies because this is after all, a more serious section of the forum here. Just to let you guys know because you are all new here, no offence though! :grin:

I do imagine Hogwarts being the final "battleground" for the Voldemort and Harry/Dumbledore. From the Forbidden forest to the Lake, there are many possible routes to get into Hogwarts (not by apparating though). Not too sure about the defence mechanism for Hogwarts, except the fact that it is a huge castle with high walls, but we are dealing with an army capable of doing magic (forbidden ones) and the whole school of students. Or maybe some students might even drop out of the school in fear of Voldemort's attack.
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Postby Nobby » Thursday 15 April 2004 6:42:15pm

i dont know about students dropping out, i can see the students standing together united against Voldie and his death eaters. afterall they would be in fear at home since Voldie has returned
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Postby paintballdecoy » Thursday 15 April 2004 7:33:26pm

Towards DM- We don't know how strong Voldemort was before Harry rebounded that spell on him, so we don't have any way of knowing how strong he will be, so in essence we don't know if he would be strong enough to wage war on Hogwarts. So quoting you "Stick that in your own pipe and smoke it"


Why would Voldemort attack hogwarts. I know Harry and Dumbledore are there, but there are also 800 other students there, so why attack them. I mean we all know the only place Harry and Dumbleodore go is Hogwarts, but why wouldn't he attack somewhere that would make a bigger impact on the wizard world, such as the Ministry. I don't think the final climatic "battle" we be at Hogwarts, but rather in the Department of Mysteries.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 15 April 2004 7:51:19pm

I think there's definately a war coming, because Voldy isn't nearly as "terrible and greater" than before...

I suppose it would most likely happen at Hogwarts (although, someone suggested that it would happen at graduation ceremonies, which I find unlikely, seeing as we've never seen graduation ceremonies, even when Ron's brother "graduated")...

I think there's a reason Grawp will stay around Hogwarts. I think there's a reason the giant spiders are still there... In the beginning, the giant squid seems like a scary sea monster kinda thing, but we have found that it likes the students (at least some of them... Fred, George and Lee were even tickling it). Wonder if it could turn ugly on unwanted invaders.

I think there's a reason the Thestrals are there, and that we've learned about portkeys and floo powder. I don't think Dumbledore or any other staff would want 11-year-olds in the way of danger, so I think the majority of the students would be sent into hiding, if the school fears an attack is immenant (sp?).

So, younger or less experienced students are evacuated. I don't know if all students will be evacuated, and the members of the DA (and I think all of them) would stay against the wishes of the staff, or if the staff allows some students who feel as though they want to or should stay to do so.

Voldemort's army would include, I assume, Voldy (naturally), the Death Eaters, most likely several of the youngsters who were formerly students at Hogwarts (I don't think Draco and Lucius would be on opposite sides), the Dementors (man that's gonna be an ugly fight), probably the giants.

What about the goblins? Have you noticed how many goblin revolts Harry and Co. have had to study about in History of Magic? Have you noticed how very little of what Harry and Co. have to learn about is not used later? If they decide to go to the good side, they could be incredibly helpful, but if they decide to join Voldy (which I don't really feel like they would do) they would be incredibly dangerous enemies.

I think the Order of the Phoenix would definately be there, possibly with the exception of a few people who are helping to protect the younger children (I see Molly more in this kind of role, rather than fighting against Voldemort and the Death Eaters herself... it's a very important role, too). I do think this will be the end of Dumbledore, at the hands of Voldemort (their powers rivaled at the height of Voldy's powers last time... if he's more powerful than before, then he would be an even more dangerous match for Dumbledore). It's likely Lupin will die, most people seem to believe it'll be at the hands of Wormtail, I personally have no idea. I don't think it likely that all the Weasleys will survive.

In fact, assuming Percy is short for Percival (I feel almost certain it is), there are some interesting things to consider could happen...

Percival was indirectly responsible for the deaths of an uncle and his own mother. I draw the analogy that Sirius is the "uncle", so is Molly's time short?

Anyway, sorry I went off on a rant. Yes, definately a war coming, likely at Hogwarts. :grin:
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Friday 16 April 2004 10:41:56am

firstly sorry for the one liners :( and now to whoever said why should they fight at hogwarts. Well you are forgetting that Voldemort is still human (barely) and still has the charachteristics of a human. He holds a grudge against DD and HP and probably the actual school itself so thats why. And also maybe Slytherin left behind something totally new that we know nothing about and he will use against the school. It would probably be in the forest somewhere because remember the forest is very big and not even DD has even been through it all. And also why would he say that no students are allowed to enter the forest? HP has never been harmed by anything that naturally lives there (except in COS) so maybe there is another reason, a rather more sinister reason *Throws his hood over his face and walks off into the mists*
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 16 April 2004 4:17:54pm

Harry's had a lot of luck in the forests, and been spared some because of who he is, I think...

It's a good idea that the forest is off-limits for students. Centaurs are easily offended, and when they're offended, they are not that friendly. Giant spiders are DEFINATELY hungry and not friendly. Hogwarts thestrals are the only ones that are tame, but if you get a couple hundred students bleeding from battle in the forest, it could be too much for the thestrals. When Malfoy says in P/SS that werewolves live in the forest, Hagrid doesn't dispute him, and I feel like he would have tried to calm the fears of Neville, Ron and Harry by saying "Codswallop" or something like that... so if there are really werewolves in the forest, it's lucky Harry and Co. haven't been there on a full moon, because we know that they can be dangerous from Sirius and Lupin.

I think there are already some pretty dang good existing reasons for students to stay out of the Forbidden Forest.

I think a final battle at Hogwarts is a possibility, just think that it wouldn't be during the nonexisting graduation ceremonies, and I don't know what I think exactly about it being in the Forbidden forest... actually, I think it could be all over the grounds and in the castle itself...
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Saturday 17 April 2004 5:39:55pm

\To paintballdecoy/

If voldy managed to scare all those people and had a huge following (check out the aftermath of the DE attack and Mr weasleys explanation in the tents remember that was just a small part of his following and half the ministry couldn`t take them) and the giants possibly the dementors and more we know nothing of then I think I can safely say that he will be able to assault Hogwarts so *stick that where the sun dont shine and smoke it*
(nothing personal)

(apologies to those who find it offensive)
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the war

Postby spagetti » Saturday 17 April 2004 6:57:30pm

this is my first time posting a comment so im not sure if i did it right...
does anyone think that muggles might be involved in the war? we know that the ministry contacts the muggle prime minister, so he knows whats going on and when voldemort was in power there were mass muggle killings so im thinking its just a matter of time before muggles start to find out about the magic world and whats going on.
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