Snape's other two memories he didn't want Harry to see

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Snape's other two memories he didn't want Harry to see

Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Sunday 21 March 2004 10:43:25pm OoTP during the Occlumency lessons, Snape takes 3 memories out of his head and puts them in the Pensive. We end up seeing 1 of them, but anyone want to speculate on what the other two are? Perhaps something when Snape was a DE or other embarassing moments. Eh?
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Postby Nobby » Sunday 21 March 2004 10:49:44pm

oh yeah! :grin:

maybe a relationship between snape and lily?

wouldn't harry freak out then! :D
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 22 March 2004 1:23:33am

I don't think the pensieve only holds memories... I think he could have been removing any thoughts... fears about getting caught being a double agent, plans for the Order, that he has an upset stomach... anything.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 22 March 2004 1:28:30am

hm, I still think that Snape actually WANTED Harry to see those memories...
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 22 March 2004 1:32:06am

nah, there wasn't anything described in his demeanor that would suggest that he was the SLIGHTEST bit okay with Harry seeing those memories. Every time Rowling does something like that, there's a "twinkle of the eye" or a "slight smile" or a "lip quivering"... something. She ALWAYS mentions it... this time, he seemed truly shocked...
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 22 March 2004 2:47:46am

Yeah I thought Snape was pretty livid about it.
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Monday 22 March 2004 1:09:24pm

I've always wondered why Harry did look into that Pensieve. I mean, if I were him, I definitely would be dead scared to even entertain the idea of lookinto into Snape's pensieve, what if he caught me? But well, he's a Griffindor... Anyway, those other memories may be something related to his DE times. Why this was his worst memory? I would expect someone with his past to have much worse memories. Then again, it was probably his worst memory concerning Harry as I guess he wouldn't like him of all people to see that.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 22 March 2004 2:15:12pm

I didn't mean to suggest that Snape wanted Harry to see his memories out of any good intention. ... 0&postdays

If the whole thing really wasn't intended, it's totally out of character!
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 22 March 2004 8:17:27pm

I don't know... I mean, if Snape had just left it sitting out after a long day or something and forgot about it, that would be one thing... but having a student in your care just go disappear in times like these, he had other even more important things on his mind.

I still say that the other thoughts don't have to be memories, though... there's plenty Snape keeps from Harry for good reason.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 22 March 2004 11:08:59pm

I agree, I think I remember DD saying something about how he has too many thoughts in his head, so I guess you can put anything in there you want.
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I don't think...

Postby hbic3 » Thursday 25 March 2004 6:40:14pm

I don't think that Snape wanted Harry to see those memories for any reason. I do think that Snape didn't want Harry to learn Occlumency though. I mean, he really didn't teach him anything. He just said, Do it. That's all. I mean, Sure, Snape took up the task begrudingly. But to defy Dumbledore so much as to stop teaching him? He might have given him a VERY STRONG WARNING, about what he saw, and not to tell anyone, and never do it again, but to Flat out refuse to teach him again? That's going a bit far, even for Snape. I mean, beside Dumbledore, he would have had then entire Order to answer to for not teaching him anymore.

There's something fishy about that Snape. He's a slippery one, and not just because he needs a bath.
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Re: I don't think...

Postby Alice I » Thursday 25 March 2004 8:05:05pm

hbic3 wrote:I don't think that Snape wanted Harry to see those memories for any reason. I do think that Snape didn't want Harry to learn Occlumency though. I mean, he really didn't teach him anything. He just said, Do it. That's all.

I agree with this statement. Snape was an abysmal teacher in this. It certianly made me suspect his motives.

It also didn't give me much reference material for my fan ficton peice.
Thanks a lot Snape :evil:

hbic3 wrote:But to defy Dumbledore so much as to stop teaching him?

That's going a bit far, even for Snape. I mean, beside Dumbledore, he would have had then entire Order to answer to for not teaching him anymore.

I don't totally agree with you here. You see it's a nice argument except that DD didn't reprimand him; rather he said that he felt badly that Snape couldn't get past his personal hang ups in order to teach Harry.

And the Order didn't demand he start teaching Harry again. The most we heard was Lupin and Sirius' reaction and the fact that Lupin was going to speak to Snape and DD. Well nothing more was said and so Snape was obviously allowed to stop teaching Harry with out reprecussion.
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I remember

Postby hbic3 » Thursday 25 March 2004 8:40:36pm

I remember Lupin telling Harry to go back to Snape and demand he start teaching him again.

Chapter 29:

"I'm coming up there to have a word with Snape!" said Sirius...
"If anyone's going to tell Snape it will be me!" [Lupin] said firmly. "But Harry, first of all, you're going to go back to Snape and tell him that on no account is he to stop giving you lessions - When Dumbledore hears -"

I'm sorry, but that's an order to Harry to demand Snape resume lessons.
And just because JK didn't write in a dialog between Snape and Dumbledore about Snape stopping the lessons, doesn't mean that it would not have happened. We are not told of EVERY conversation Dumbledore has with every person he has them with. You also have to remember that Dumbledore was in hiding at that time, and contact would have been limited. By the time he got back to Hogwarts, the subject would have been a moot point. Dumbledore picks his battles wisely. I'm quite sure that he would have left the subject alone if it was too late to do anything about.
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Postby hbic3 » Thursday 25 March 2004 8:42:18pm

I mean LESSONS, NOT LESSIONS. goodness.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 26 March 2004 9:19:42pm

I don't think there's anything "fishy" about Snape. I think he's the example of the not-nice guy who chose to be on the right side.

I think that if a strongly-worded conversation between Dumbledore and Snape had happened, Snape would have resumed teaching Occlumency lessons.

I know Lupin tells Harry to go back and demand lessons, but I don't think that's what the person who said the Order didnt' demand that he do it. It makes sense that if an adult refuses to teach a child, if other adults feel angry about it, the other adults should go talk to that person... not tell the child to.

As far as Snape's methods of teaching Occlumency goes... I can't really figure out how you'd go about teaching it other than how he did... I mean, slowly he told Harry how to guard his thoughts and emotions, even if he wasn't nice about it. All that time Harry was supposed to be emptying out his mind each night and not doing it... that was Snape's homework for him, and he was putting forth as little effort learning Occlumency as Snape was teaching it.

If anyone is to be blamed for Harry's not properly learning Occlumency, I think it's Dumbledore (but I personally dont think it's anyone's fault but Harry's). Dumbledore assigned a teacher who not only openly hated Harry's dad, but whom Harry openly hated. In a subject like that, it just seems very naive to think that the student will learn anything.
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