Two prophecys in one? (spolier)

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Two prophecys in one? (spolier)

Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 3:29:30pm

If you read the whole prophecy as a whole then after reading it, it can only mean one thing, that Harry is the only one that can possibly kill Voldemort, in fact it can't possibly be anyone else, but I am working on a therioe that the prophecy is not one prophecy but infact two that seem to be one and the reason I think that its because twice it says born in the seventh month.

Right hear I go to explain myself a bit more clearly,

here would be the first prophecy,

The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches...Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the dark lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the dark lord will not

Right this would mean that voldemort will make somebody (harry) as there equal, that this person would have the power to kill voldemort, (but that does not mean they will), that he would have skills that Voldemort does not know, maybe useful to help somebody else kill voldemort.

Right after that it says AND, and this could mean that there is a second phophecy about to be said and that phophercy would be

either must die at the hand of the other for neiher can live while the other survives... the only one with the power to vanquish the dark lord will be born as the seventh month dies

Now this could mean that somebody that was born as the seventh month kills voldemort or be killed by voldemort, that he also has the power to kill voldemort, but this time will either use this power and kill voldemort or not use it and die. This also says that there will be a confrontation, but one thing it dos not say it which year, now I think that neville will be the one to kill voldemort (and what a turn around that would be), but I like to know what month and date old Dumbldores birthday is, cos I will not rule out anyone who was born on the last week in August.

Another thing that gets me to the conclusion that its two phophecys in one is the fact JKR keeps saying "are you sure that Harry will live", now I dont think he will live at the end of book 7, but if harry does die there is no way that Voldemort will rule the world and destroy it so it would have to be two phophecys in one.

Any thoughts please put down.
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Postby werebane » Wednesday 25 June 2003 8:37:33pm

All i know bout the first part is that the power is that of love. In on of the books harry asks dd why lv couldnt kill him. Dd said lv hates love and harrys moms love helped him.
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Postby Broken Machine » Wednesday 25 June 2003 9:18:33pm

I see what your getting at and it does sound intreging. Like maybe the final blow dealt to Voldie will be so powerfull it will take both wizards that were born at the same time but only one will be able to sustain the blast of the enforce and Voldie will be killed. Or something of that nature. I like it but as of right now I'm thouroughly upset with this latest book. 75% of it is purely Umbrige making life hell, and the remainder is Harry crying and fussing about. Plus there was nothing really in this book that was of any relevance to me. The only thing I enjoyed was Hagrid whooping on those ministry creeps. As of right now I'm just chalking this whole experince up as a waste of time. Somebody please hit me with some sense to bring the relevance of this chapter of the HP series to light please.
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Postby werebane » Wednesday 25 June 2003 11:10:09pm

really, i wasnt as impressed w/ this one as the third one
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 26 June 2003 7:31:29pm

I'm really confused with this two prophecies in one thing. The way I see it is one of them will kill the other eventually. What I don't get is the part that says neither can live while the other survives, well, they're both alive, unless when they duel, only one can come back, even though they both lived after the duel in the fourth book. What do you guys think?
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Postby Malachim » Thursday 26 June 2003 7:50:10pm

I still think it's pretty straight forward. Maybe I am missing something but I don't see it as two prophecies myself. I think it says what it says. Basically the last bit means that one must prevail over the other.

Obvioulsy either must die at the hand of the other shows that they will both be alive at one point but that at some point there will be a confrontation and one must be victorious over the other.

So, I think Voldy will die in the last book. I can't see JKR killing off Harry. No way no how. He is the main character and it's usually bad form to kill the main character. Besides imagine how mad it would make the majority of her readers. You could say "Well, the series is done who cares?" but I bet it wont be the last book JKR plans to write about Harry.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Thursday 26 June 2003 11:00:27pm

IF you have read many other books that kinda have similiar story, you'll figure it out. The main character doesn't necessary always survive at the end. Both can die while dueling...It's very obvious if you think of it. And for that none can kill Voldy except for the one in the prophecy. IF you see it the other way.. none can kill Voldy b/c he's powerful and that DD might be the only one that can killed him, but DD says so himself that killing Voldy does not satisfy him and there are things that are worse than death.... And Harry alone might be able to do it cuz of probably revenge(opinion) for his parents and he in the future is powerful enough to duel Voldy equally. In GoF, Harry first time dueling Voldy but he's still too weak to dueling him equally. In his coming future, he will find that new power inside him and Voldy will try to kill him before that happens.

WEll, I hope i had answered reasonablely.. :grin:
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Postby Malachim » Thursday 26 June 2003 11:25:29pm

I've read literally hundreds of fantasy books many having similar stories. You are right that the main character doesnt always survive, however, in most cases he does and triumphs.

It is almost a standard formula for a fantasy series. In fact the main character is almost always young and male(frodo, harry, Garion, Rand) , is met by some shadowy and powerful person(Gandalph, Dumbledoor, Belgarath, Moraine), finds out he has to kill the main evil bad guy, has a tough time, triumphs in the end and is rewarded in some way.

As for what is obvious, well what is obviously possible and what is likely or probable is not necessatrily the same.

I just dont think JKR will kill Harry. Possible but not probable.
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:39:50am

That would be mean. I mean Sirrius was hard enough to handle just imagine harry
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Re: Two prophecys in one? (spolier)

Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:41:05pm

[quote="Boycey"]the reason I think that its because twice it says born in the seventh month. quote]

Hrmm, so at least part of the reason that you think that they are two prophecy's in one is because of the double mention of the seventh month, right? (Unless I'm reading completely screwed up again!!!)

Well, if you go back and read the prophecy in book 3 that she gives, she also repeats stuff... basically the entiretly of the past sentence she said before that... so I just took that repetition in the 2nd prophecy as a link that it was similar to the 1st prophecy, with the repetitions... ;)

And about Harry dying... I am kind of afraid that she will kill his off at the end... I really dont' want him to die... I think that it woudl be horrible (and it woudl make me quite annoyed :mad: ), but they way that JK keeps saying in interviews that we are all assuming that Harry will live at the end, kinda gets me worried... :cry: I really hope that he lives... :-?
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Postby Malachim » Saturday 28 June 2003 9:45:53pm


JKR will not kill Harry! Well, not permanently anyway. This kindof goes to the Veil discussions.

I think if Harry dies he will either be brought back or wont really die but will walkl the land of the dead and come back.

If she does kill him though at the end.... it will be the last book of hers I will read. Not that I think she cares what I think :)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:51:12am

Well, that's certainly what I am hoping too...

I think that there would be a whole lot of dissapointed people out there if she killed Harry off, especially alot of little kids... but then... she keeps saying that stuff... and it's worrying me... :cry:

Poor Harry, he's better live!!!
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Postby Malachim » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:09:40am

I'm with you Holly!

Maybe JKR's talk is a sign it wont happen. She's not one to telegraph what she's gonna do.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:18:48am

Yeah, but in a way, by saying to so many times, it kinda seems like she might be trying to prepare the kids for it...

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Postby HuffleDuck » Sunday 29 June 2003 3:48:11pm

:grin: I think so too, but then again she likes suprising readers.. And just hope that the death of Sirius will be a big joke too :grin: She keeps saying it over and over again.. I've no idea if i should belive it or not :-? :-?

:lol: :razz:
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