Why does DD refuse Snape the DADA post?

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Why does DD refuse Snape the DADA post?

Postby Groo » Saturday 10 April 2004 11:03:17am

why do you think Dumbledore constantly refuses to give Snape the DADA post when he is the most qualified person for the job? he preferred to have Umbridge at Hogwarts but wouldnt let Snape take the job.

i have thought long and hard about this and i think i have a possible answer which must be correct. but i would like to hear your opinions about it first :P
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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 10 April 2004 6:25:50pm

Ummm.. tons and tons of threads about this. I think the most recent one is "Snape and the DADA" but I'm not positive... anyway...

I think Dumbledore keeps Snape from being the DADA teacher in the same kind of way as you don't take a recovered alcoholic to a bar. Even if you trust that they won't drink, you don't give them the option. I think Dumbledore wants to keep Snape away from anything where anything related to Dark Arts and the kids at the school are together... Not that he doesn't trust him, but just as a precaution.

I do think, however, that in book 7, Snape will do something to prove himself, and at the end of book 7 will get the DADA post for the following school year (opening the job of Potions professor for someone... I think Hermione, but I'm alone in that thought, I think :grin:)
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Postby Groo » Saturday 10 April 2004 9:05:08pm

sorry about that :oops: i am just 2 days old and with so many threads around , i must have missed this

i have made a post in that thread
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 11 April 2004 6:17:23am

no problemo. it happens. :grin: Joto or Broccoli or Violet will probably be along anytime now to lock the thread. :lol: happens to us all.
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