Harry Skywalker

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Harry Skywalker

Postby Aberforth » Wednesday 7 April 2004 3:24:24pm

I watched the original Star Wars film the other day (Episode 4) and couldn't help but notice a few similarities between Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter.

1. They are both "orphans" or believe to be orphans.
2. They both live with their Aunt and Uncle.
3. Both sets of guardians try to prevent the child from following their talents in "unnatural" things.
4. Both have a male and a female friend that get it together (assuming Ron and Hermione do naturally).
5. Both have an old, but greatest exponent overseeing their training (Yoda and Dumbledore).

I'm not saying that the whole storyline is stolen or that Voldemort will really be Harry's dad, but Luke's and Harry's upbringing and background are pretty similar.

Am I seeing something that isn't there or do I have a case?
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