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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 24 March 2004 7:30:18pm

Yeah... even though I have the little Filch-Figg-Dudley thoughts, I usually come back to Petunia...
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Thursday 25 March 2004 12:21:31am

I think its either Petunia or possibly Filch. I'm leaning toward Petunia but I'm trying to come up with evidence of why it could be Filch. Hmmm...
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Postby Nobby » Thursday 25 March 2004 5:31:05pm

jk has already said that this will be harry's shortest stay at the dursleys. mayb dudley and harry get attacked again and dudley does some magic in defence. imagine the look on harry's face if he does!
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Friday 26 March 2004 8:49:25pm

Ok this is a little off-topic but this just totally occured to me last night while reading OoTP: I think JKR says in an interview that someone returns to go to Hogwarts again. I think its gonna be Fred and George!! I'm thinking that now b/c I dont believe anyones considered that possibility before.

(If there's a thread for my off-topic post please lemme know) :-)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 26 March 2004 9:32:46pm

since it is off topic, why dont' you start a thread for it? :grin: it's a good theory... maybe Molly's not quite as cool with them leaving as they thought she might be. :lol:
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