Marauder's map

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Postby Neo » Wednesday 14 May 2003 3:55:59am

No, it can't dissapear, it is very useful (I mean for Jo to write adventures)

I think that Voldemort won't leave it to Moody, because Moody have no lcue of what it is, I mean he was in the trunk for almost a year. I think DD has it, and eventually give it back to Harry.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 24 May 2003 1:11:13pm

But why would Voldie have it in the first place? :eek: I dont' even think that Voldie knows about it... It's not like he was in the back of Barty jr's head like he was with Quirell, Barty woul dhave to specifically tell him about it, and I dont'think that they really had that much contact. I think Voldie would ahve given him the job, and left him to do it. After all, it's not like even if Voldie had a body he could just show up a Hogwarts and ask to talk to someone!!!

I think that Moody (real one) will find it, and will either give it to Harry because it's got to do with his dad, or give it to DD, who will give it back to harry for the same reason! :-)
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Postby Neo » Monday 26 May 2003 3:05:55am

Why would Moody know taht it is of Harry, or his father?

And Barty said it was a very important thing, and he was a great follower of Voldemort and could think it was an important thing to give his master.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 26 May 2003 6:40:19am

But he was using it... to look for his Dad and the likes... and it's not like he knew that he was about to be killed so gave it to Voldie for safe-keeping!!!

Also, I would assume that DD will tell Moody etc about Sirius Lupin etc being animagi... as it kinds helps explain the end of the 3rd book, and how Peter got away!!!
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Postby Neo » Sunday 1 June 2003 5:14:06am

but I think that there is no reason for Moody to know all the story, but if he has the map and asks DD about it, sounds probable taht Dd tells him, no?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 2 June 2003 2:27:23pm

For some reason, I dont' actually think that Sirius ahs told DD about the map yet... He told him about the animagi thing, but I think that the map woudl haev slipped his mond at the time...
Not sure why I think this, but I just do!!!
*Don't ya just lvoe it when I come up with those???!*
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 3 June 2003 4:15:57am

Yeah, they are very lovable

We know that DD doesn0t know about the map, I just think that if he sees the names of the marauders in it, he will infer that it is related to James, Sirius, Lupin, and Peter, no?
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 9 June 2003 5:52:22am

Yeah, of course... didtn' he actually call the patronus that Harry conjured up Prongs? *or am I just dreaming again???*

But for him to see it, someone would have to make it work infront of him!

And I cant' see DD beig connected to using something created for mischief making in the books... it's just not in his image! :D
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 11 June 2003 4:08:01am

DD knows about the marauders, and their names; but not about the map they created.
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