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Postby Run Away!!! » Sunday 8 July 2007 12:10:59am

Many think Regulas Black fits RAB perfectly because it would make perfect sense that Regulas was killed by LV for this reason but obviously because the note is still there, LV doesn't yet know that his locket has been stolen.
Recently I have been thinking that perhaps RAB could be Borgin of Borgin and Burkes. I found this theory on Mugglenet that pretty much sums up exactly what Iv'e been thinking.. (I know its long bear with me).

In my editorial I intend to crush the 'Regulus Black Theory' concerning R.A.B. In order to do this, I must first return to the source - the one artifact R.A.B. has left us as a clue to his identity - his note to the Dark Lord:

To the Dark Lord
I know I will be dead long before you read this
but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret.
I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can.
I face death in the hope that when you meet your match,
you will be mortal once more.

(609, HBP)

We can deduce from this note that R.A.B. knows Voldemort personally, as he expects Voldemort to recognize him just by his initials. Additionally, we can see that he expects Voldemort to be shocked and/or impressed that R.A.B. has stolen his horcrux because he seems very intent on receiving the credit for "discovering" his secret. I do not think however we can prove that R.A.B. is dead since Voldemort has not yet read the note.

Now when we think of someone knowing Voldemort personally, we automatically think of Death Eaters, but I think that the note taken in context of this next quotation proves that R.A.B. could not be a Death Eater and thus not Regulus Black.

"'And then I ask myself, but how could they have believed I would not rise again? They, who knew the steps I took, long ago, to guard myself against mortal death? They, who had seen proofs of the immensity of my power in the times when I was mightier than any wizard living?'"
- Lord Voldemort
(648, GoF) (underlining is my emphasis)
Here Voldemort reveals that he has told his Death Eaters of how he plans to achieve immortality through his horcruxes and that he probably told them "long ago." Now if R.A.B. is a Death Eater, why would he brag that he "discovered" Voldemort's secret. If he were a Death Eater, he would have been told directly by Voldemort about his horcruxes. Therefore, since R.A.B. seems very pleased with himself for "discovering" this secret, he cannot be a Death Eater and thus not Regulus Black as the DE's already knew Voldemort's secret.

Some might say, however, that R.A.B. simply discovered the secret location of Voldemort's horcrux and could, therefore, still be a Death Eater. But I think the phrase "discovered your secret" suggests the big secret of Voldemort's plan for immortality and not just the certain location of one horcrux. In conclusion, all evidence that can be collected from the books concerning R.A.B. and Voldemort's horcruxes proves that R.A.B. cannot be a Death Eater and not Regulus.

In addition to clues from the books, J.K. Rowling herself hints that R.A.B. is not Regulus Black in her recent interview with Emerson of MuggleNet and Melissa of The Leaky Cauldron.

MA: R.A.B.
JKR: Ohhh, good.
[All laugh.] JKR: No, I'm glad! Yes?
MA: Can we figure out who he is, from what we know so far?
[Note: JKR has adopted slightly evil look here] JKR: Do you have a theory?
MA: We've come up with Regulus Black.
JKR: Have you now?
MA: Uh-oh.
JKR: Well, I think that would be, um, a fine guess.
Emerson and Melissa directly propose the 'Regulus Black Theory' to J.K. Rowling in this excerpt and she replies first with a sarcastic "Have you now?" that makes Melissa say "uh-oh" and then with "Well, I think that would be, um, a fine guess" and I can physically see the sarcasm exuding from J.K. Rowling's "um." This seems to tell me that J.K. Rowling is telling us we are on the wrong track with the 'Regulus Black Theory.' However, she does call it "a fine guess" (no matter how sarcastically she says it) which tells me she saw the 'Regulus Black Theory' coming from a mile away, but more on that later.

Finally, the 'Regulus Black Theory' destroys the interesting foil between Regulus and his brother Sirius. If Regulus is R.A.B. it would suggest that there was something intrinsically noble in the House of Black as both its' sons would have died sacrificing themselves for the good of others. But I think that J.K. Rowling has chosen to once again stress her theme of choices by showing both Sirius and Regulus coming from the exact same family situation, but Sirius dying nobly in order to save Harry and his fellow students, while Regulus dies cowering as he is to afraid to act for Voldemort and to afraid to act against him as R.A.B.

Finally, I found it. I found a character that would have known Voldemort personally but is not a Death Eater, has a knowledge of the Dark Arts and would know about horcruxes, even has a specialty in enchanted objects (especially dark ones), and would have had reason to suspect Riddle's dark future before he became Lord Voldemort. I am talking not of Voldemort's old boss, Caractacus Burke, but his oily business partner Mr. Borgin.

Now, we have met Mr. Borgin twice so far in this series (CoS and HBP), and two interesting features have characterized these two scenes. First, simply, we have never learned his first name, as both Lucius and Draco Malfoy both call him either Mr. Borgin or just Borgin; therefore, he is not eliminated from the R.A.B. mystery. Additionally, in both cases we see that he detests and despises the Death Eaters and their methods despite his own interest in the Dark Arts. In CoS after Lucius Malfoy leaves the shop, Borgin makes a comment about Malfoy not selling him half of what is in his manor and then retires to the back of the shop muttering darkly. Then in HBP, when Malfoy enters the shop, it is said that Borgin "was wearing a curious expression of mingled resentment and fear." Malfoy threatens him and shows him something (probably the dark mark) and Borgin is said to be "looking very frightened." In both incidents where we meet Borgin, he is shown to hate the Death Eaters/Malfoys, which shows us that he has plenty of motive to do the things that R.A.B. has done to try and thwart Voldemort's plans for immortality.

Additionally, as I stated earlier Borgin would have suspected Riddle's dark future before he openly became Lord Voldemort, giving him a head start on deciphering Voldemort's secrets and discovering the horcrux and leaving the R.A.B. note. He would have suspected Riddle's dark future simply because of Hepzibah Smith. Surely Borgin would have noticed that Hepzibah Smith was murdered two days after Riddle's visit (a visit Borgin would have, of course, known of), that Riddle disappeared without any explanation after the murder and never returned, and that Mrs. Smith's two most precious artifacts were eventually proven to be missing and stolen.

So... Borgin has been shown to hate Death Eaters, and, by association, Voldemort, he would have known Voldemort personally, he has a knowledge of the Dark Arts and Dark objects that would give him a perfect base of knowledge from which to unravel Voldemort's secret, and he would have suspected Voldemort's intentions early in life thereby giving him a head start and allowing him to beat even Albus Dumbledore to the horcrux. We have drawn up a detailed character analysis of Borgin and it seems to fit perfectly with the mysterious R.A.B. So now let us look at some contextual clues that J.K. Rowling has left us that point to Mr. Borgin.

First, Regulus Black. To begin with, he has two of the proper R.A.B. initials immediately calling attention to him. Not only that, but we know that he had a relationship with Voldemort that did not end on a happy note. All things we can expect of the real R.A.B. But some things just don't quite fit. R.A.B. we can see is extremely clever and a man of action but we have learned from Sirius that Regulus is most likely weak and cowardly. Additionally, the Death Eater connection just doesn't quite work. How could Regulus discover the secret if he already knew it? So everything about Regulus is close, but doesn't quite work.

In other words, he is the perfect red herring. The reader's attention is immediately drawn to Regulus Black (because of the R and B). Then, upon closer inspection, the reader is rewarded once more. Regulus knew Voldemort personally and this did not work out too well for him. While delving deeper, however, you begin to find small inconsistencies with the 'Regulus Black Theory,' but they are small enough for someone to ignore as the power of the two initials' connection overshadows them. But if you accept these inconsistencies as inconsistencies the Regulus Black morphs from the perfect red herring into a huge clue that R.A.B. must be someone else.

Next, Caractacus Burke. In both instances where Harry has encountered the Dark Arts shop, Borgin and Burke's, Borgin has been running the shop. We get a good feel of Borgin's personality and what exactly makes him tick, unlike the always-absent Burke. Despite all this, it is Burke's first name that Dumbledore casually drops in conversation. Why does J.K. Rowling gives us the first name of a meaningless character, making his initials C.B. and effectively eliminating him from the R.A.B. mystery? Why bother to eliminate him at all? Nobody would've suspected him in the first place. Sure he has the right last initial, but why would we waste our time suspecting him? We don't even know him. Unless J.K. Rowling must eliminate him from the mystery in order to leave a clear path to his oily business partner Mr. Borgin as the real R.A.B. In conclusion, once again J.K. Rowling has shown that she does not often drop names without a purpose and that meaningless characters can become huge clues to help solve the mysteries of this series.

If you are still reading this I would like to congratulate you on your diligence and perseverance in pushing through my research paper of an editorial. And I would like to reward you with the fact that the true identity of R.A.B. is none other than Mr. Borgin of Borgin and Burke's.

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Postby Simatra » Sunday 8 July 2007 3:49:57am

Hmmm,....I read it all (go me!), and I have to say that that's really good. Regulas didn't fit and Borgin does more. I've heard this before, but I never really but much thought into it. He never really seemed like a man of action to me, but the points I've heard there really have me thinking,....I'm going to print this off and discuss it with me family. I WILL BE BACK!!!!!!! :grin:
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Postby Run Away!!! » Sunday 8 July 2007 7:27:11am

Remember to tell them that it was all my idea and "Run Away" actually came up with something smart. Even though all that babble was written by someone else and not me.. it was basically exactly what i was thinking.
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 8 July 2007 8:58:17am

yeah sure it was! :D I'll tell them that you posted it! :lol:
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Postby Run Away!!! » Sunday 8 July 2007 10:41:20am

I think its very possible, he knows a lot about the Dark Arts and would know about the locket too and LV's possesion of it without being directly involved with LV. But he obviously knows LV, or at least Tom Riddle, very well since LV once worked at Borgin and Burkes. Although, I wonder why Borgin would think he would be dead. Whoever RAB is had to have a reason to fear their life without necessarilly it being LV killing them since they would presumably be dead long before LV even read the note.
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 8 July 2007 2:18:18pm

Hmmm, maybe's he's old? Or maybe he knew that LV wasn't about to check up on his pices of soul? So maybe he figered that by the time LV got around to check them he would've died....?
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Postby Run Away!!! » Sunday 8 July 2007 10:36:45pm

Or maybe he suspected LV wanted to get rid of him anyways because he knew too much, because for not being a death eater he probably knew a lot about Voldemort and his passion for the dark art objects. So maybe he figured before LV got round to killing him he would strike a little blow first.
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 8 July 2007 10:38:37pm

Mphf! i read it to my sister and mom, but they didn't really say much about it....I think they were angry that it was so long! :oops:
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Sunday 8 July 2007 11:22:00pm

Oooh, I like this theory. Although I never had anyone else in mind, I did always think Regulus was too obvious of a choice to really be the RAB in question. We shall soon find out! Counting down the days!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 9 July 2007 9:36:48am

Hate the theory. In order to destory the horcrux in the cave RAB would have to be reasonably powerful. The note sounded very sincere.

Most reasonably powerful wizards don't write themselves off without a chance. I trust RAB; he knew he was going to die. He might still have put up a fight, but in the end he knew that he had no chance.

I believe him...
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 9 July 2007 10:20:42pm

We don't really know all that much about Borgin, he might be more powerful than we think.
Im just trying to come up with other options other than Regulas Black - which I hate. And I think it would be so much more fun if for some reason RAB was still alive because than he could have so much more to do with the story. If he's dead like the note says it pretty much means we find out who it is and then.. well nothing happens because he's dead.
And this note is causing so much speculation and debate I find it hard to imagine it only being a small part of the story.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 9 July 2007 11:09:48pm

I don't know, I'm having second thoughs about this thoery, Dad read it and he agreed with me eariler when I said Borgin doesn't really seem like a man of action.
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Postby Run Away!!! » Monday 9 July 2007 11:18:42pm

Im just trying to come up with more options!!!!!

If JK wanted everybody to know how RAB was before reading the book she would make it Regulas Black... but why would she want everybody to know??? And she knows everybody knows.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 9 July 2007 11:22:20pm

That was very clear, thanks :razz: ! I know your just trying to come up with more opinions, that's what I keep doing too. I just really hate that Regulus Black Thoery! :x
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