by inaya » Saturday 4 March 2006 2:31:14pm
There are many psychological theories to if Dumbledore is dead, but personally I think that he may not even be dead to a certain extent. However, on the other hand even JKR said it herself that he IS dead, but is she really going to say truth, about one of her character actually being dead, but I on the other hand came up with many questions that might regulate to death of Dumbledore, and many of you who think this will not be very satisfied to link to the death of Dumbledore, may be welcome to criticize, but many of those who may concern that my questions and theories may be accurate, you are welcome to comment and say your views. I know I might sound professional on this discussion, that is because I felt like to, and mainly this is the way I am in school and when having a serious discussion, so please allow me to analyze my predictions and key points. Well as we all know that Dumbledore is dead. But is he, I happen to come across many questions and many theories, whilst reading the 6th book again for the 11th time. Isn’t it interesting that Dumbledore has died, interesting wouldn’t be the word, but mysterious fits in to the category, well, Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard ever is killed. By Snape. Right…… lets rewind a bit to the situation that happened before the death of Dumbledore, so, lets say as it seems, Dumbledore is greatly weakened by the potion, arrives back at Hogwarts with Harry, as Draco on the other hand putting his plan in to action…….. Draco can’t do it so Snape keeps his vow made to Narcissa and kills Dumbledore. Easily. Ok. Now here is where I come in to ask the questions, couple of things here seems to lighten me up a bit, why did Dumbledore freeze Harry? Was it to stop Harry interfering in the situation? Was it so that Harry should witness what was happening? My other theories are, when Dumbledore pleaded to Snape, was it a plead to help him, or hasten his death? Did Dumbledore really feel it was his time to die and that he had done all he could to help Harry? Perhaps he felt he would be more to Harry if he was dead (sort of like Obi-wan Kenobi from star wars, if you get me). If he did want to die, why was he trying to delay Draco? Even though Dumbledore was weakened, he was still incredibly powerful wizard. He should have not needed his wand for most of the spells, as mentioned in the slug club chapter when Harry was knocked out by Draco. Remember when he removed the enchantments only using his hands not his wand, he could have apparated or dissapparted to prevent this situation somehow but why didn’t he do that? And what happened to Fawkes, surely he would have come to his master’s aid? But he didn’t did he? Like he did in the other books. Right, I haven’t finished yet, well, one other bit occurred to me was when Rowling made a point in the book about polyjuice potion and its disappearance throughout the book, could this have come into play at the end of the book? It seemed to me that Dumbledore was distinctly un-Dumbledore-ish in the end of the book. Perhaps it was the deception? Seriously, would the greatest wizard in the world fall for trying to take a Horcruxe that was already taken? It seems to me he was wiser than it seems. Ok, my other theory is about the Horcruxes, I know this might not be what it seems but, well as we all know now that Voldermort has 7 Horcruxes, one in his body and the others we all know where there were a bout’s might be as Dumbledore already mentioned them, but what crept up to me is when Voldermort came to Godric hollow to kill Harry, well when Voldermort was hit with the killing curse when it rebounded of Harry, he should have died but he didn’t……………….. Maybe he used one of his Horcruxes to kill Harry instead; Dumbledore did say that Voldermort was going to make Harry’s death into his last Horcruxe but it failed, I think that the last Horcruxe be Harry’s scar not him! So shouldn’t there now be 5 Horcruxes left behind, and one in Voldermort’s body? I do not know about this theory but, I don’t think that it would be highly un-likely. Now this is the last theory, and it may well be the end, I might go on about the 6th book for ages and you guys must be feeling bored so I’ll crack on, but this is the last theory, well, if Snape was really evil (I do Hope not), why didn’t he kill Harry at the end of the book? He’d already defied the dark lord by killing Dumbledore instead of Draco; why would he worry about the others (death eaters) killing Harry while he and Draco fled? Something there doesn’t add up right, and remember in the end when he was about to go, he said to Harry ‘its time you learned to keep your mind closed and your mouth shut’ what did he mean by that? Hmmm? We have been left in a great suspense, all we know is that Harry’s task is now to find and destroy the remaining Horcruxes. How will he know how to destroy one? Would he get help or wouldn’t he? Then again Rowling is pretty straight forward in her writing. Any major changes like Dumbledore is alive may be more manipulative than imaginative.