Did Snape Love Lily?

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Postby Nicolas Flamel » Monday 2 January 2006 1:20:00am

just a wee thought, if you put evans backwards, you get snave, which is of course only one letter away from snape, both incidentally (sp?) are only one letter away from snake, patron of slytherin. JKR is of course very into names and all that jazz so.......or maybe not
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 4 January 2006 3:03:16am

Errrmm.... Well Evans is a common name...
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 4 January 2006 4:05:59am

Yup, I don't think it really is similair enough to Snape. I mean, Snave?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Wednesday 4 January 2006 6:35:33am

Name things are a little... amateur in this case.
Anagrams are really the only dignified use of them :grin: ... I did like the I am Lord Voldemort - Tom Marvolo Riddle usage.

Which one was thought of first, you think?
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Postby Nicolas Flamel » Wednesday 4 January 2006 10:53:10pm

voldemort i think
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Postby Nicolas Flamel » Thursday 5 January 2006 10:03:22pm

i don't see what's wrong with backwards stuff, look at the mirror of Erised [desire] and also just because evans is a common name it doesn't mean anything, it's the name JKR chose for her character
(sorry for the dbl psot, but these two things came seperately)
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Postby Asphodel » Friday 6 January 2006 3:14:30am

Yes, but it's "Snave" not "Snape". If J.K.R does that, people will think that she just chose some random word thing.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Friday 6 January 2006 10:00:42am

voldemort i think

What's that for? :???:

And you should just separate them into two sections rather than double posting. :-?
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 6 January 2006 6:19:21pm

I always thought lilly was the one who liked Snape not the other way around. I don't know why but i felt like that. Why did she took his part when James was mocking him... And not only that. But I think that she liked him...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 7 January 2006 3:28:17am

She didn't take his side, she just didn't want to hurt someone that hadn't hurt her. She didn't really at that stage have any reason to hate him.

She wasn't like James. She didn't pick on him simply because he existed, and wasn't the same.

She lost all pity after he'd insulted her. :-?
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No way

Postby dancingqueen17210 » Saturday 14 January 2006 1:22:24am

I really don't think Snape could have liked Lily. I mean, it would be a great twist, but this book is already flowing with details and small hidden problems. But the fact that Snape "killed" Lily by giving details, and then was so deeply sorry, may have been the reason Dumbledore trusted Snape.

Hmmmm. But i still think its too far-fetched
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 14 January 2006 10:23:14am

Far-fetched... Possibly.

Maybe not.

Maybe it's true.

The thing is...

Will it really matter?

How would it alter things anyway? Sure, it would be an interesting fact and all, but to be honest it wouldn't really do much...
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