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Postby SunsetG|rl » Tuesday 15 November 2005 11:42:30am

Barny The Barn wrote:Does anyone find it strange that DD didn't ask Harry for the memory of the moment LV returned? :???: :???:

In fact, thinking on it - why didn't they actually get this memory from Harry to prove that LV had returned much earlier!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Wow this is something I had never thought about. Memories only come out when a perosn wants to...But I'm sure Harry would have been more than willing to share that with the Wizarding Comunity. On the other hand Slughorn was able to modify his memory, and Dumbledore did say it wasn't a most succesfull modification... So maybe you can change memories so they lose all credibility...
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 15 November 2005 12:51:48pm

yeah good point Barny. How stupid that they didn't!

Sunset's got a point though, if the memory was modified wouldn't it come up with that fog? I guess if it were successful though then you wouldn't get that fog :???: :???:

Bizarre that DD never even thought about it though?
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