LV might be inside of Harry

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LV might be inside of Harry

Postby guesswhat » Wednesday 27 July 2005 7:00:01am

After LV attacked Harry, he lost his power, Where did it go?, It might lay inside of Harry, Lily loved her baby, it is the nature and unconditional love of a mother. She gave up her life for him. What was the evil plus talent of LV, transformed to love pluse talent. That is why Harry sometimes acts like LV's twin. DD had tried so hard to teach him how to block his mind. In the end, he will use his sense to trace LV, and he might also control the D.E, and lead to thier self distruction(by fighting each other). That is what DD predicted, Harry has to use his love to kill LV. And the difference between Harry and LV is love. They both have the same power, as Harry will discover later.
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Postby digby202 » Wednesday 27 July 2005 11:09:27am

Are you saying that LV is still inside Harry? Or that he was for some time?

If the former, I think we can safely assume that is not the case, since there was evidence that LV was not with Harry (he kills Frank Bryce in book 4) and was something else "a broken spirit" I think he called it

The reason he did not truly die was because of his horcruxes.

Of course I might have misunderstood your entire post, sorry.
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Postby Dacre » Wednesday 27 July 2005 1:18:28pm

There has been some people suggesting that Harry might be a Horocrux himself, which is why he can speak Parsel tongue, and is linked to LV.
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