Introductions and FAQ's

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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 4 August 2009 6:26:47pm

Hi Rachael! :grin: Welcome to BaO! I'm so glad you like my fan fiction so much, and like Fawkes said, I am quite excited that you joined because of it! That's just so cool. :grin: My name is Sarah, I'm 20 and from New York State, but I would love to visit New Zealand and Australia, they're just such cool countries.
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 4 August 2009 11:29:55pm

Hello Wrath, welcome to BaO!


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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Wratha » Wednesday 5 August 2009 8:45:04am

Thanks for the warm welcomes :D

I'm looking forward to more of your fanfiction DucksRMagical! Really enjoying reading it, I've been checking for fresh chapters each morning when I have my first break from work (self employed so sometimes naughty and check instead of working haha), you have a nice style, easy to read and characters that are very "real".

I sadly understand what Ms Elsewhere means by numbing the pain of the series being over, I have started a bit of tradition of reading the entire series each winter and during my summer holiday, it was just after this winters reading that I ended up on here. I get extra Harry Potter obsessed for a month or two after reading and decide I need more stuff, I've been unable to find leatherbound copies I like the look of so am going to splash out on either the deluxe cloth bound editions or get a bookbinder to recover the hardbacks in leather, (probably won't want to wear them out by reading them afterwards though).
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 5 August 2009 10:27:14am

oh WOW. i would love to see your collection of HP things! Do you know how to send a photo link? I was thinking the same thing, taking a pic of all my stuff and sharing. If I had more money... it would all go on either teacher resources or HP things. I've only just recently set up my HP stuff on my book shelf... but only on one shelf! I could fill a whole book shelf I'm sure.

Hmmm... I'm gonna try to send the image.


hope it works. If so, I'm gonna start posted a whole lot more.. perhaps in another thread though.. hmmm
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Wednesday 5 August 2009 10:30:23am

whoa did it ever work! slightly giant, sorry about that! will have to ask ot to display smaller.

woo hoo.. there's my stuff! LOL there are calandars and collectable cards and games and runes and a wand and all sorts of stuff inside the boxes and behind the things on display.
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby DucksRMagical » Thursday 6 August 2009 3:37:31am

Wratha wrote:I'm looking forward to more of your fanfiction DucksRMagical! Really enjoying reading it, I've been checking for fresh chapters each morning when I have my first break from work (self employed so sometimes naughty and check instead of working haha), you have a nice style, easy to read and characters that are very "real".

I update every Sunday, if that helps. ;) Well, every Sunday EST, that is. So I imagine I update on Mondays occasionally for you.

I love your HP display, Heidi! :grin: I should take a picture of mine. Actually, I plan on decorating my dorm room this fall with Harry Potter stuff, so I'll wait and take a picture of that.
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Thursday 6 August 2009 3:58:42am

excellent! can't wait to see it! :)
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Wratha » Sunday 9 August 2009 7:14:07am

I update every Sunday, if that helps. Well, every Sunday EST, that is. So I imagine I update on Mondays occasionally for you

Yay another reason to love Mondays!

Ms Elsewhere your HP collection leaves mine for dead, I have all the books (of course) but only half a dozen bits and pieces of other stuff. I really want to decorate a room in a similar fashion to the Gryffindor common room, though doubt I'll be able to get very close wallpaper, though will get a "lady and the unicorn" print instead. I just love the warm feel of the room.
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Sunday 9 August 2009 2:21:23pm

What a delicious idea, decorating a room like the Gryffindor common room! Wow.... (darn it, another expensive, HP idea in my head! lol) Seriously, if I had it my way, the whole house would be HP themed... Soon, soon.. I shall take it all over! LOL

ever since I got into the books and had my 27th bday as a HP dress up theme, I've been saying, "all I want is ANYTHING Harry Potter." and now, look at all the stuff I've been given! I even did a play at the school I worked at about the chamber of secrets. Kids in wheelchairs were shop keepers in Diagon Alley, and the older kids in Wheelchairs were the Quidditch players! Can you imagine the look?? Children getting pushed around in wheelchairs at high speed passing the quaffle from person to person! Ga! It was awesome.. now that I think about it, should have made the younger ones the quidditch players to save on the backs of the poor volunteers who were pushing the chairs! Aw well ,next time! Hee hee... what a thrill....

I WISH I had taken more pictures and did a better video... hmmm... will have to do it again, properly, perhaps Rock Estedford... ? Omg.. that would be soooooooo cool...

Sorry.. daydreaming. Love the obsession... keep sharing the ideas, I love to hear them!

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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby salemboy » Sunday 9 August 2009 3:00:43pm

Yes, I'm obsessed with Harry Potter. In the same way that Distortia is? No... Don't have the money. Instead, I pride myself on being the most knowledgeable of Harry Potter at my school. Any Harry Potter question somebody asks me, I almost always have an answer for. I know things about Harry Potter that my friends wonder why I take the time to find out. So... yeah, that's where my obsession ends.

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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby GodrictheGriffon » Monday 10 August 2009 7:34:18am

Hello Wratha! I'm not even going to figure out how much Harry Potter stuff I have. It's so scattered and some of it is from the early days of HP and some of it from just a few months ago and I don't think I would ever have the time, (or the patience!) to organize it. But it's kind of really obsessive. :lol:
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 10 August 2009 7:44:33am

take random photos as u find stuff! I just love seeing what ppl have! I saw a charm braclet (much like pandora) online with the snitch, glasses and a lightning bolt, a castle and so on and I was like............ hang on, dont have any money.

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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Alice5130 » Monday 12 October 2009 1:18:41am

:grin: Hajimemashite (Japanese for very-first-meeting hello)

My name is Sarah. I'm 18 and am from Missouri, and I'm a MAJOR Naruto fan. I've also read all the HP books including some of the british versions. ;P

One of my rp friends from a guild on Gaia Online invited me here since I like Harry Potter.
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby salemboy » Monday 12 October 2009 1:58:59am

Heya Alice!!! Nice to see you made it! I hope you have fun here, I know that I do. We're a bit on the Loony side, but hey, that's what Forums are about!
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Re: Introductions and FAQ's

Postby Alice5130 » Monday 12 October 2009 4:28:44am

Of corse I made it! :razz: I told you I was going to join, didn't I?

I'm used to loony...and crazy. You're describing many people here at college. ^_^
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