RPG character?

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RPG character?

Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Sunday 30 December 2007 10:50:18pm

my rpg character got rejected because i put down the wrong year of birth to go with my year at school, but when i tried to resubmit it with the right year of birth, it said that i already have a character when i don't.
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Postby Q.Araignee » Sunday 30 December 2007 10:53:31pm

Must be a bug, I checked your profile and it doesn't show you as having a character for this scenario. We'll have to wait for Paul to take an educated guess.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 31 December 2007 4:34:05am

Your character doesn't show up in either the profile, the Scenario list (which contains the synopsis and all participating characters) or the pending characters moderator section.

Very weird. Why not try again? Third time's a charm.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 1 January 2008 5:22:09pm

okie dokie, i'll try again.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Tuesday 1 January 2008 5:30:30pm

i tried again and it still didn't let me create a character.
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Postby Paul » Monday 7 January 2008 10:57:49pm

If you can tell me the RPG that the character was created for (and the character name if you can remember) I can make sure everything for that character is totally deleted. You should then be able to set the character up again.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Saturday 12 January 2008 2:42:45am

yay! thanks paul.

my character's in The Law of the Serpent, and her name is Ashilynn Lander.
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Postby *Riley* » Tuesday 22 January 2008 5:42:14am

Ok... Everytime I go to get an rpg character it says i already have one , or it gets rejected ( which is ok ) but they cleared it all up and it WAS ok but after my law of the serpent character got rejected i tried again and it said i have already got a character. the same thing happened with the next generation. can someone help me !!
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 22 January 2008 5:57:00am

Well you already do have an accepted character for The Next Generation, so I don't believe that there is any rule that can stop you posting there now, although that out-of-context post that you sent in it will need to be deleted.

But for Law of the Serpent you don't. I rejected your character, but now when you go to make a revised one, it says that you already have a character. That's it, right?

Does it sound eerily familiar to all you folk out there?

my rpg character got rejected because i put down the wrong year of birth to go with my year at school, but when i tried to resubmit it with the right year of birth, it said that i already have a character when i don't.

That was the first post of this thread...
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Postby *Riley* » Tuesday 22 January 2008 6:02:21am

yes. it is very familliar, i understand now what fawkes went through.
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Tuesday 22 January 2008 10:53:37pm

Maybe Hoppy bunny needs to go to the vet. :lol:
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Re: RPG character?

Postby salemboy » Tuesday 22 July 2008 12:28:15am

Now we have a new RPG problem. Several people (meaning RIley and myself) have submitted characters to RPG's, but nothing's happened. We've talked to moderators, but they say nothings come up on their user control panel. So, um, does anyone know why this problem?
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Re: RPG character?

Postby *Riley* » Tuesday 22 July 2008 10:05:50am

As Salem said, not working.
I sent a request and Q Araignee got the email, but when she clicked on the link, apparently it was blank :???:
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Re: RPG character?

Postby Paul » Sunday 17 August 2008 1:43:04am

Sorry it was a while before I read posts about the problem but the good news is that I've just finished investigating and fixing the problem. I think the trouble was caused when we moved from old hoppy to new hoppy, and the new version of the database on new hoppy. Although I'd tested things after the changeover, it seems that the problem only affected non-student characters who have an Occupation rather than being in a particular student year, and I had probably overlooked these when testing.

Sincere thanks to all those who mentioned the problem, including particularly Q.Araignee who helped immensely by giving an example of a problematic character, which enabled me to pin down the error. Everyone should now be able to safely set up their characters without them falling into a black hole. :-)
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Re: RPG character?

Postby *Riley* » Sunday 17 August 2008 1:47:33am

Thanks Paul!
Good to have you back :)
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