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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 16 October 2007 7:37:46pm

Luap, what's Hoppy got against Greyhounds?

I got this

Could not insert new word matches


SQL Error : 1271 Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '

INSERT INTO search_wordmatch (post_id, word_id, title_match) SELECT 160090, word_id, 0 FROM search_wordlist WHERE word_text IN ('yeah', 'totally', 'great', 'friends', 'always', 'helping', 'greyhound', 'charity', 'one', 'used', 'nice', 'hear', 'adopted', 'dog', 'donated', '?1000', 'place', 'same', 'least', 'metro', 'anyway')

Line : 251
File : functions_search.php

Trying to post in ... 092#160092

So I thought it didn't post and tried again and got the same but it turns out it posted twice...
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 16 October 2007 7:40:52pm

See, three threads...because they don't show up in the forum so I can't tell if they have posted or not....
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 16 October 2007 7:42:35pm

Um, yeah, the only place the other two threads are showing up is in my list of recent posts...whee! I can make invisible threads!!!

Sorry for the like, tripplemillionthness post or something like that but its not my fault...
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 30 October 2007 12:45:28am

Sorry Scellanis, I hadn't noticed this post and that you were having a ruff time. :-)

Oooh, I've just looked up the "Illegal mix of collations for operation" error (never seen that before). You may have solved the entire funny character problem that seems to have occurred since hoppy's illness. From what I can gather, I think that hoppy has switched to "latin1_swedish_ci" character set.

*Checks more* ...Hmmm, maybe I'm wrong - seems "latin1_swedish_ci" is a default for the database anyway...I'll look in to this a bit more - could still be a clue toward solving the funny characters.

I can't see a post number 160091 or 160092 anywhere in the database, but looking at ... 090#160090 I'm guessing it's not greyhounds that hoppy didn't like (she's very kind and friendly toward other creatures) but those muggle money signs (it seems she put a question mark (?) where a pound (?) or dollar ($) should have gone). Hoppy must prefer Galleons, Knuts and Sickels. :-)
Last edited by Paul on Tuesday 30 October 2007 12:48:38am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 30 October 2007 12:47:32am

Hmmm, it does definitely seems the pound sign is a problem at the moment - okies, that's nice - gives me one more clue to go by.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 30 October 2007 1:06:50pm

Ahh, the debug mode. :-? It wouldn't let me post the actual article to that thread, so I just posted a link.

I'm still getting debug modes for my fan fic, but when I log out, my post appears. :o :lol: But it still has question marks instead of quotes.
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 November 2007 2:25:49am

I think I'm getting close to the solution for this - Godric's clue about Japanese in the Great Hall Sorry for the downtime thread seems to confirm what I've found so far - I think I need to change hoppy's database default character set from UTF8 to Latin1 to fix things. If you can give me a day or 3 I'll get some testing done to see how things look. :)

The "latin1_swedish_ci" thingy that I posted about earlier is the database collation setting rather than the character set - the collation setting is something to do with how hoppy sorts results from what I can gather.

Ah well, it's all a bit odd-looking but nice to learn stuff. :-)

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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Friday 2 November 2007 10:39:19pm

tune in next time for bao mysteries! :lol:

thankfully i haven't gotten any debug modes.
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 6 November 2007 5:42:33am

Weeeee heeeee...the mystery is solv-ed! The database seemed to be insisting on sending the characters to the forum in UTF-8 mode (no matter what combinations of settings I gave to the database itself), whereas the forum uses iso-8859-1 (also known as Latin1).

I tried to fix things by changing the forum to UTF-8, which would have been nice as it can handle things like chinese characters, but that broke the search function (and possibly other things too - the error looked quite scary). In the end I think it may have been some kind of gentoo-specific change that happened the last time I updated the database on 18th August. (I'm starting to get a bit annoyed with gentoo - my linux partition on my home computer is quite messed up at the moment because of some recent changes).

Anyways, the answer was to edit a file on hoppy called php.ini and add the Technical Thingummy lines:

Code: Select all

This seems to have fixed things - the pound sign and other characters are all looking OK now, although some posts between 18th August and now may still have question marks or oddities in place of the correct character.

I'm thinking it should probably mean that your fanfic can now be posted without any errors now, Duckie.

The Deranged Debugs have been defeated by the Technical Thingummies (hopefully!) :-)
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Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 6 November 2007 1:56:22pm

:double jump: Woohoo! I'm glad it's fixed! I"ll try posting another chapter to my fan fic later today if I have time to see if it'll work right.

Sometime yesterday, a test posting I did of my fan fic at the end of September suddenly appeared in the DH fan fic section. :eek: :lol: But I deleted it since it was part of chapter 7 and it appeared in a new thread.
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 7 November 2007 1:42:37am

Hee hee - The Post That Didn't Want To Die. :eek:

I noticed when I was testing the characters like the pound and quotation marks yesterday that at one point (before the final fix) when I tried to post Chinese characters I got a Debug message, but somehow the post did actually get input to the database and was viewable on the forum (probably something like what happened to Scellanis in the original post in this thread).

I'm not sure if this has any connection with your deleted post coming back to life....scaaaarey!....wait, it was Halloween a few days ago wasn't it - aha - that must be it! :)
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Postby Simatra » Wednesday 7 November 2007 7:36:36pm

:o What did I miss?! Was hoppy going loopy again or what? Glad it's fixed though....I'm in Study Hall with nothing to do.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Wednesday 7 November 2007 8:49:50pm

Yay, my fan fic posted normally! :grin: No question marks instead of quotes!

That was very strange how my test posting just appeared. It never posted right when I first posted it. Then it just appeared over a month later. :eek: It was lost in cyberspace. :lol:
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Wednesday 7 November 2007 9:33:23pm

*gasps* it must've had horcruxes! *scary hp music*
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