RPG forum-mods problem

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RPG forum-mods problem

Postby AngelicS_89 » Thursday 18 March 2004 8:25:56pm

So basicly the problem is when I open the forum this comes out

'Query failed: Can't open file: 'rpgscenarios.MYD'. (errno: 126)'

And I supose this is only happening to RPG mods cause no one else has this problems?So what's up with that?Is RPG finally going to work or there are other problems?
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Postby Paul » Thursday 18 March 2004 9:38:38pm

Sorry Fluffy bear, I think this is all related to the problems in the Debug mode thread. The RPG programming is fully working now and just needs a bit of textul tidying up. Unfortuately the forum as-a-whole keeps becoming garbled - I'm pretty sure it's nothing to do with the RPG programing but garbled tables in the database are causing random things to just fall over.
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